Chapter Four

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Once Draco was finished I grabbed our things and we walked back to the common room in silence. It was kinda awkward. "So, did that stuff help with the pain? It's supposed to help with pain and heal you faster," I said.

"Yeah, I guess. It. Doesn't hurt as much. But that bloody chicken will die once my father hears about this," he sneered.

"It's your fault it happened. If you wouldn't have been so jealous over Harry..." I started but he cut me off.

We came to a stop on the stairs leading towards the dungeons. He walked towards me, backing me up against the wall. "Jealous? I'm not jealous of Potter!" He spat his face close to mine.

"If you say so," I mumbled and rolled my eyes.

"You're the blood traitor hanging out with that Mudblood! You're a disgrace to the Slytherin house," he hissed at me.

"At least I don't have daddy issues!" I shot back that it was a bad idea. His face got red and his uninjured hand clenched into a fist. He got even closer putting his lips beside my ear. "Are you sure about that? The last time I checked your father doesn't even act like you exist," he whispered and pulled away.

He wasn't wrong half the time my father acted as though I was invisible. So did my mother. Lucas was the one who took care of me most of the time. I looked down and walked past him without a word. I had no emotion on my face. I didn't need to let him see he had gotten to me.

Once we made it to the wall where the common room was I said the password and an entryway was revealed. I walked in and towards my dorm putting my things in my room. It was nice not having to share. The walls were a dark emerald green, there was a dark green fluffy rug in the middle of the room, a queen-sized four-poster bed that had a bookcase on either side that reached from the ceiling to the floor, a wardrobe, and a desk. I had an ensuite bathroom as well.

I set Draco's things on my bed that was draped in dark green silk sheets and puff soft duvet. I took my robe off leaving me in just my uniform and grabbed my potions book, slipping it into my bag. I picked up Draco's things and turned around to see him leaning on his good arm against the door frame.

"Let's go, we have a study hall before dinner," I said, walking towards him. I stopped when he didn't move. Normally I would have just pushed him out of my way but he was hurt and I'm not as heartless as he is. "Move," I said. "No," he said, standing straight.

"Fine, here you go!" I said and put his bag on his good shoulder and shoved his book at him. He looked at me in surprise and then scuffed. "Can't you see I'm injured? Traitor?!" He hissed.

"Can't you see I'm done with your crap?" I spat back.

"Blood traitor," he hissed.

"Daddy issues!"


We turned our heads towards the person who yelled his name. Lucas was walking towards us at a fast pace. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing in my sister's room?!" He said angrily.

I didn't want to help him but I knew if I didn't Lucas would probably try to kill him. He was very protective and hated Draco. I stepped in front of him, my back facing Draco. Not that it would matter, they were both much taller than me. "I was helping him, Lucas. He was just waiting for me. He got hurt today," I said and turned to grab his book and his bag before turning back to my brother.

"Why are you helping him?! He's always calling you names y/n!" Lucas yelled.

"Because Lucas, I'm not as cold-hearted as he is! Besides, Hagrid had me help him. He's injured, Lucas. He might be an arse but I'm a decent human being. So if you don't mind I'm going to drop this stuff off in his room and go to dinner," I said and pushed past him with Draco close behind.

I let Draco lead me to his room. Draco, Lucas, and I are the only ones with our own rooms. That's the perks of having powerful parents I guess. He opened his door and walked in. I went in behind him and looked around. His room was similar to mine. Except his walls were a darker green almost black, he had a dark gray rug in the middle of the room and a king-sized four-poster bed draped in black silk sheets. I walked over to his desk and sat his book on top of it and hung his bag on the back of the chair.

I stood there looking at his books on the bookshelf that went from one end of the wall all the way down. A lot of the books were on potions. The one thing we had in common was we both excelled at potions and having not so great parents. Draco's mother wasn't too bad, she was sweet but his father was a different story.

"You can borrow any of them anytime as long as I get to do the same," I heard from behind me, making me jump a little. I turned around and was met with Draco standing rather close.

"Oh. Umm. Okay, yeah, sure. Just bite the one's on the very top shelf in the left bookcase. You won't like those. Hermione gave them to me. They're muggle books," I said.

"You read a muggle book?" He asked with disgust on his face.

"No. I haven't read them. They have odd titles, ones about a whale or something. I mostly have books on potions and the Dark Arts. My father insists on it," I said.

He just nodded his head looking down at me. "Better get to dinner before your brother comes looking for us and kills me," he said backing up.

"Are you, Draco Malfoy, scared of my brother?" I said with a smirk on my face.

"No! I'm not scared of anything! I just don't want to die today," he spat and started walking out the door.

"Okay," I mumbled, laughing a little, and walked out the door to follow him to the Great Hall. We walked over to a table and sat down. Seeing as Draco and I had every class together I didn't bother grabbing any of his books. He wouldn't be able to write anyway. He's right-handed and his right arm was the one that got injured.

Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy sat down at the table with us. Pansy was obsessed with Draco to the point I wanted to throw up. She sat on his right side looking at his arm. "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" She asked.

I had my potions book out so both of us could read it. Of course, he wasn't paying any attention to classwork. He was too busy sucking up all the attention he was getting. "It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two, and I, uh, could've lost my arm. I couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks," Draco told her.

"Oh, you poor thing. I'm here for you. Whatever you need I'll help you," Pansy told him.

I was trying so hard not to laugh but I failed. "What's so funny about that?"  She snapped.

Everyone was looking at me, even Draco. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. Just hilarious how desperate you are is all," I said and looked at her.

'Why are you here anyway, you blood traitor?!" She hissed.

"Well, Pansy, I happen to be the one who's helped Draco. What have you done but sit here and cling to him?" I said, raising a brow. She just huffed and crossed her arms looking away from me. I saw a small smirk on Draco's lips and looked back at my book to finish the last few lines I had to read.

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