Chapter Eight

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Today was the Quidditch game Gryffindor against Hufflepuff. It was storming outside. There were high winds, foggy to the point you couldn't see more than a few kilometers in front of you. The rain was pelting down hard stinging when it hit the skin, lightning lit up the sky and thunder rumbled. But the stands were full of students and teachers cheering the teams on despite the weather. We all had umbrellas or rain ponchos on.

I was in the stands with Ron and Hermione cheering on Harry. He had gone after the golden snitch that zipped up high in the sky towards the dark black, stormy clouds. We were watching the game when we saw Harry calling rapidly from the sky. "Harry!" I yelled. Hermione put her hands over her mouth as we watched him calling from the sky. Luckily Dumbledore shouted *Aresto momentum* to slow Harry's unconscious body down before hitting the ground.

We stood around the bed in the hospital waiting for him to wake up. "He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron said.

"Peaky?" Fred asked.

"What'd you expect?" George asked.

"He fell from over 100 feet," Fred finished.

"Yeah, come on, Ron, let's walk you off the Astronomy tower..." George said.

"See what you'd look like," Fred told him.

"Will you three idiots shut up," I said. "He's woken up."

Harry slowly opened his eyes as me, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George, Neville, and a few others leaned over him.  "Probably a better sight than he normally does," Harry said and we all chuckled.

Hermione sat on one side of him and I sat on the other side on the bed. "How are you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, Brilliant," he said sitting up.

"You gave us quite the scare," I said, taking his hand. He looked at our hands and smiled. "What happened?" He asked.

"Well, you fell off your broom," Ron told him, holding the broken broom wrapped in a banner. "Really? I meant the match. Who won?" Harry said.

We all looked at each other and Hermione stood up. "Um... no one blames you, Harry," she said and paused. "The dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them straight off."

"There's, uh, something else you should know, too, Harry," Ron said and Harry looked at him. "When you fell, your broom it-it sort of blew into the Whomping Willow and..." Ron said, opening the banner. "Well, it's, umm," he said, showing Harry the hand.

I squeezed his hand and he looked at me "I'm sorry," I said he gave me a sad smile and we all just talked for a while before Madam Pomfrey shooed us away.

I walked towards the dungeons and stood in front of the stone wall. "Pure-blood," I said and the entranceway appeared. I walked in and was pushed against the wall before I could turn to go into the Common Room. There were a pair of cold hands on my cheeks. "Are you all right?" A worried voice asked me.

I looked up to see Draco. His hair falling into his eyes, a worried expression took over his features. "I'm fine," I said and pushed him away from me and walked into the Common Room to see it was empty. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Great Hall, it's dinner time," Draco said. "Why aren't you there?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder as I walked up the stairs to my dorm. I heard steps behind me as I opened my door. "I was waiting for you?" He asked in a questioning tone.

"Why?" I asked to pull dry, clean clothes out of my wardrobe. "You can come in," I told him and walked into my bathroom. "So why were you waiting for me?" I asked as I changed my clothes.

"Wanted to ask you something," he said.

Once I was finished changing I walked out to see him looking at my books. I grabbed dry socks and sat on my bed to pull them on. "And that would be?"

"Wanted to see if you would sit with me at dinner?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in shock. "What?" He asked, looking down at me. "You want me to sit with you?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" He asked, confused.

"You're not worried about being seen with a blood traitor?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and pulled a book off himself. "May I borrow this?" He asked and I nodded. "So? Do you or are you going to sit with your beloved, Potter?" He said. I could hear a hint of... what was that? Jealousy? No that can't be it. "Sure, Draco, I'll sit with you but don't be all scared when Lucas comes after you," I told him, slipping the show on and walking to the door.

"Come on," I said, stopping at the door.

Draco gave me that signature smirk of his and walked over to me. He put the book in his dorm and we headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

We walked in and sat at the Slytherin table. Crabbe and Goyle were across from us along with Blaise and Daphne. Pansy walked in and sat on Draco's right side. "How's your arm, Dracy?" She asked, making me roll my eyes. I looked down at the other end of the table and spotted Lucas sitting with his friends talking and laughing with his arm around Aurora.

"Don't touch it!" I heard Draco growl and looked over to see Pansy's hand hovering over his arm. She pulled it away and looked down.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked into the Great Hall after a little while. Harry smiled and waved at me. I waved back but his smile fell as soon as Draco wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side. Ideas about rolling my eyes until I felt a pair of soft warm lips against the side of my head. My eyes widened and I felt my face get hot.

"Malfoy! Hands off my sister!" Lucas yelled and Draco was quick to drop his arm to his side. I looked across the table to the Gryffindor table and saw Harry staring at me. I smiled at him and looked down as food appeared on the table. We talked. Mostly the other Slytherins were making fun of Harry.

I didn't join in on the conversation not liking how they were talking about my friends. I then felt a cold hand grab mine under the table interlacing them together. I looked down and then over to Draco who just kept on talking to his friends. I couldn't understand him for the life of me.

He had so many mood swings. And then there was the fact that He was being nice to me all of a sudden this year. I mean he was still a git to me too but he's also been nice. And now this, holding my hand and kissing me on the side of my head. Part of me wanted to believe it was because he liked me. But the logical part was telling me he was doing it to make Harry mad and jealous.

I knew Harry had a crush on me. I wasn't blind. He was flirty and shy around me at the same time. He always blushed when I smiled at him or brushed up against his arm or gave him a quick hug. But I just didn't see him like that, I saw him more as... well more as a brother.

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