Chapter Forty

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After everything was finished we Prefects were asked to lead the first years to their common rooms. *(did I forget to mention that Draco and I are Prefects?)* The seventh-year Prefects led the first years to their common rooms and explained everything to them. 

Draco, me, Melina, Crabbe, Goyle, Theo, and Blaise all sat near the fireplace and talked. The common room was full as everyone just hung around before it was time for bed. "So, you two finally have a thing?" Theo asked Draco. He was sitting on the couch with me on his lap with my back leaving the arm of the couch. "What's it look like to you?" Draco asked sarcastically. "Hey, man, I was just asking," Theo said laughing. "They are together. She has a bracelet with his last name on it," Melina said and I shoved her with my foot. "Shut up!" I said laughing. I could feel eyes in me but I ignored them as best as I could until Draco spoke up.

"If he doesn't stop staring I'm going to lose my mind. What's he doing here anyway?" He said frustrated. "Who? LaCroix? Apparently, his father is in Azkaban and his mother wanted him here at Hogwarts," Theo said. "Isn't he your ex or something y/n?" Blaise asked. "He's going to be dead if he doesn't stop looking at her," Draco growled. After another hour everyone started heading up to the dorms. I held Draco back until it was just us. "Can you stay in my dorm tonight?" I asked him. "Of course, Love," he said and kissed my forehead then we headed to my room.

The next day we were in DADA. Someone had made a paper bird and it was flying around. People were talking and goofing off until the bird turned into ash. "Good Morning, children," Umbridge said in her overly fake sweet voice. Everyone turned around. Draco and I sat in the very back and when we turned to look at the owner of the voice there she stood in her ugly pink outfit.  "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations.  O-W-L's. She said as she walked down the aisle to the front of the class as the words appeared on the chalkboard. "More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be served," she continued and then flicked her wand.

Books leaving the front table, going down the aisles and laying in front of everyone. " Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know from now on you will be following a carefully structured Ministry-approved course of defensive magic. Yes," she said as Hermione raised her hand. I looked through the book and then looked up when I heard Hermione speak. "There's nothing in here about defensive spells," She said. I went back and looked through the book to see she was right. "Using spells?" Umbridge said, chuckling. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom," she said walking up to Hermione. 

"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asked. "You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," She said. "What good does that do?" I asked. "Yeah, what use is that, if we're going to be attacked it won't be risk-free," Harry said. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class," Umbridge said. She walked to the front of the class and turned to look at us. "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to you through your examinations. Which, after all, is what school is all about," she said. "That is just rubbish! This isn't just a school, it's a magic school, where we learn how to use magic!" I said.

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked. "There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?" Umbridge asked. "Oh, I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort," Harry said. People started to whisper. I believed Harry he has never given me a reason not to. "Now, let me make this... quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again... this. Is. A. Lie," Umbridge said walking up to Harry. "It's not a lie. I saw him! I fought him!" Harry protested. "Detention, Mr. Potter!" She yelled. "And how would you know if he is or isn't out there?" I said and she spun around to look at me. "Detention, Miss. Thronheart!" She said.

"So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" Harry said. I saw Stella stiffen from in front of me where she sat. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge said. "It was murder!" I yelled. "Voldemort killed him! You must know that!" Harry yelled after me.  "Enough!" Umbridge screeched. "Enough. See me later, Mr. Potter and Miss. Thronheart... my office," she said more calmly.

Later on, I went back to the DADA class and met Harry outside the door. We walked in and went up to Umbridge's office. Harry knocked and we heard someone say to come in so he opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I wanted to throw up. The stone walls were all pink and covered in porcelain plates that had kittens on them. It was quite horrifying honestly. "Good evening, Mr. Potter and Miss. Thronheart. Sit," Umbridge said and we sat down at a small table. "You're going to be doing some lines for me today,  Mr. Potter and Miss. Thronheart," she told us. We went to reach for our quills but she stopped us saying she had special ones for us. She laid down two quills with a black feather in front of us.

"Now... I want you to write... I must not tell lies," she told us. "How many times?" I asked. "Well, let's say, for as long as it takes for the message to sink in," she told us. "You haven't given us any ink," Harry said. "Oh, you won't need any ink," she said and turned around. Harry looked at me and I rolled my eyes. We both then started writing.

*I must not tell lies*

I started feeling a burning in my left hand as I was writing and stopped. I looked down to see the words being engraved into the back of my hand. I looked over at Harry to see the same thing was happening to him. Umbridge came to stand in front of us. "Yes?" She asked with scary fake concern on her face. We just looked at her in silence for a while. "Nothing," Harry said. "That's right. Because you know, deep down you deserve to be punished. Don't Mr. Potter and Miss. Thronheart?" She said smiling. This woman was fucking crazy. "Go on," she said and walked away. Harry and I looked at her for a little before we got up and left her office.

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