Chapter Forty-Four

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A/N: I got the chapter done! So I decided to post it early! Also, the art above is mine please if you screenshot it and repost it anywhere give me credit I work hard on my artwork. My Art profile on IG is @ cole22_ann_art. Please tag me in it.


"I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear again. "Dra-- Draco... I'm going--" I stumbled out. I wrapped my arm around his back digging my nails into his skin making him let out a hiss. "You feel so good, Darling," he moaned into my ear. He continued to pump in and out of me hard and fast. "Draco, I'm going to--" I started but let out a loud moan again. His hand quickly covered my mouth not wanting the whole Slytherin house to hear us. He was more worried about making sure Jaxzon knew I was his and I was sure he would do something in front of Harry to make his point there too even if there was no need for it.

It wasn't long before he came on his length with a cry of his name. He quickly pulled out and pumped himself pulling his seed on my stomach. Once he was calmed down he reached down to his trousers and pulled his wand out casting a spell. I wasn't focused enough to hear what it was. "What was that?" I asked through ragged breaths. "Just to make sure you don't end up pregnant," he said. He stood up and walked into my bathroom. A few minutes later he came out with a warm washcloth and cleaned me up. He picked my panties and his shirt up and handed them to me. I changed into them while he put his boxers on and crawled into bed beside me.

"Come here," he said, opening his arms. I scooted closer and laid my head on his chest wrapping my arms around his waist.  I felt him kiss the top of my head. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I just got so mad hearing him call for you and then Potter.." he began to ramble. I leaned up and kissed him, shutting him up. "Draco, you didn't hurt me. You are a bit possessive but I get it," I said, kissing him again.

The next day me and Melina met up with Stella and headed to the Room Of Requirement. Everyone stood in line for their turn on learning different spells. Since I knew a lot of spells that we haven't even been taught yet since my dad always made me read all kinds of spell books and potion books I decided to help Harry. We were teaching everyone how to use Expelliarmus and Neville was up first. We had a training dummy that we set up for everyone to practice on. Neville looked over at Harry and me nervously. We both nodded our heads and be gulped before bringing his wand up. "Expelliarmus!," he said, making his wand fly backward. Everyone moved and ducked out of the way before it hit the wall.

"I'm hopeless," Neville said sadly. "You're-- you're just flourishing your wand too much," Harry told him. "You don't need to put much into it. Try it like this. I took my wand out and pointed it at the dummy. "Expelliarmus!" I said, flicking my wrist slightly and the wand in the dummies hand flew out of it. After everyone had a quick go we quickly headed off to classes.

I walked into DADA and took a seat next to Draco. Stella and Melina sat in front of us. "Where were you?" He whispered. "With Melina and Stella," I answer simply. I got out my quill and parchment, setting it in front of me. Umbridge came out of her office and made her way down the steps. "You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention," she said. We had our books out in front of us And started copying every word onto the parchment. "There will be no need to talk," she said walking down the aisle.

"This is ridiculous," I whispered under my breath. I felt a cold hand land on my knee, move its way up under my skirt to my thigh and squeeze. I jumped a little and looked over at Draco who was looking down at his work still writing. I looked up to see Umbridge coming towards us so I quickly moved him and smoothed my skirt down and continued to write.

   After class, my hand was hurting from writing so much. I was to be meeting everyone in the Room Of Requirement but Draco stopped me. "And where are you going?" He asked as he cornered me. "Girl time," I said and tried to move around him but he stepped closer. "I like Draco time more," he whispered in my ear. Then he was dragging me to an empty corridor. "Draco, we can not do that here!" I whispered. "We can and we are," he said, pushing me up against the cool stone wall.


Draco started kissing my neck. "You have to be quiet," he said between kisses. "And this Is going to be quick," he said as he lifted my skirt up. He ran his hand down to the hem of my panties moving them to the side. I was already wet just from the possibility of getting caught. It was thrilling and terrifying at the same time. He slides his fingers through my wet folds and makes me whimper at the touch. "Already wet, Darling," he chuckled. He slides his fingers over my clit, rubbing tight circles on it. I let out a moan and his hand slapped over my mouth. "Shh, darling, you have to keep it down," he said, as he slipped his fingers inside me. I moaned into his hand. He curled and pumped his fingers in and out of me using his thumb to run tight circles on my clit.

I could feel the coil in my stomach tighten. I leaned my head back onto the cool stone and closed my eyes. I was trying to keep quiet but the feeling felt amazing. "Cum for me," Draco whispered in my ear, tugging on my ear love with his teeth. I felt my wall tighten and convulse around his fingers as my arousal coated his thick fingers. He continued to pump his while I rode out my organism. When I came down he slowly pulled his fingers out and brought them to his mouth sucking off the juices he caused.

When he was finished he leaned forward and kissed me with force whispering for me to jump in between kisses. I did as told and wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands held me up by my thighs. Draco moved from my lips to my neck leaving wet kisses in its path. I could feel how hard he was through his trousers. I started to slowly grind my hips down on his hard member, making him let out a groan. Just as things were about to get more heated we heard the meow of Mrs. Norris. Draco groaned, put in frustration and set me on my feet. We fixed ourselves and then walked down the corridor only to dump intp Filch.

"Where are you two going?" He asked. He always creeped me out. Filch is what we call a squib. someone who was born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any magic powers. Kind of the opposite of Muggle-born wizards, but Squibs are quite unusual. They are also known as Wizard-born muggles. He hated all children. He was the caretaker of the castle. He would roam the halls to make sure no students were out of bed. "We were just headed to dinner," I said. He snarled at me and kept walking. "Filthy squib," Draco hissed. "Come on. Let's go to dinner," I said and grabbed his hand. "I know what I want for dinner. So how about we go back to the common room instead," he said pulling me towards him. "Or you can wait till later. yeah?" I said and pulled away, walking backward and smiling at him before turning around and running down the hall.

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