Chapter Three

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Hermione gave Draco a dirty look and turned Harry around. "Ignore Malfoy. He's a git," I said looking at Draco. "Just turn away, Harry," My one told him and we turned around walking to stand in front of Hagrid.

"You're supposed to stroke it," Ron told Neville as he walked up near us. "Yeah," he said, sitting his book down.

Hagrid cleared his throat and everyone settled down looking at him. "Da-da-da-da!" He said in a sing-song voice and gestured to a huge gray bird-like creature. We all just looked at it with wide eyes. "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid said as it walked up to him. He throws him a ferret "say hello to Buckbeak," he said.

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron asked.

"That, Ron, is a hippogriff," Hagrid told us. "First thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do." He said and then clapped his hands together. "Now... who'd like to come and say hello?" He asked.

Everyone stepped back leaving Harry there standing by himself. "Well done, Harry. Well done," Hagrid said. Harry looked around and then back at us. "Come on, now,"

Ron pushed him and he walked toward Hagrid. "Now... you have to let him make the first move," Hagrid instructed. "It's only polite."

Harry walked towards him and stopped. "Give him a nice bow. Then you wait to see if he bows back. If he does go and touch him. If not, Well, we'll go to that later," Hagrid told him and Harry bowed towards Buckbeak. He squeaked and slapped his wings. Hagrid told Harry to back off and he did but snapped a twig.

Harry stood still and eventually, Buckbeak bowed back at him. "Well, done Harry,"

Hagrid then told Harry to walk to him and let him. As I watched him slowly walk up to the gigantic creature I felt a presence behind me. Draco and his cronies pushed people out of the way and stood near me. Draco right beside me with his two idiots on either side of us in the back.

"For the record, you're already in my dreams," Malfoy said, taking a bite out of his green granny smith apple and winking at me.

"Sounds more like a nightmare to me," I said and gave him an innocent smile when he glared down at me.

I'd have to admit he was handsome. Those grayish-blue eyes, platinum blond hair, and that damn smirk. It was hard not to crush on the boy... I shouldn't have said that. Don't tell anyone I said that. I'd never lived it down. Anyway, back to the story, no more thinking of Malfoy.

I turned back to Harry and saw him slowly walking towards Buckbeak. He stuck his hand out and the gigantic creature squawked. Harry stopped for a second but continued towards the bird. Hagrid told Harry to let Buckbeak come to him so he stopped with his arm still stretched out. 

He slowly inched forward until he was petting Buckbeak on the side of his face. Hagrid started clapping and some of us joined in. Malfoy of course just rolled his eyes. Then all of a sudden Hagrid was lifting Harry on Buckbeak.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Harry continued to protest. Hagrid slapped Buckbeak in the rear and he reared up then took off into the air with Harry hanging onto him tightly. People ran after as they took off.

I was about to walk over to talk to Hermione when a slightly cold hand wrapped itself around my wrist. I looked down to see Draco's ring-clad hand. I then continued to look down at him. "Let go Malfoy,"

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To talk to Hermione. Not that it's any of your business," I told him.

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