Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N: if you do not like the outfit just pretend it's something else don't comment on it, please. I was just trying to find something cute for a little picnic date on the lake. Please be kind.
I was in my room reading when Draco's owl flew in dropping a small package and letter then flew to sit on the perch with Metis. I opened the letter and read it. 


Happy Birthday, Darling. I bought you a little gift and want to take you on a small picnic later this evening. I'll be by to pick you up around 6 so be ready.

Yours Truly,


I folded the letter back up and picked the small box up. He was always buying jewelry or that I was complaining. The things he picked were always beautiful. I opened the box to see a gold bracelet with a small plate on it that said ♡Malfoy♡. I smiled and let out a small laugh. "Is this his way of asking me to be his girlfriend?" I asked out loud and Ulysses let out a little squawk. I rolled my eyes and stood up off the couch. I looked at the clock above the fireplace and saw it said 3. I had three hours to get ready so I went straight to my bathroom to get a shower.

Once I was out I got dressed and then did my hair which I just left down and put some mascara on. At the time I was half-past four. I put the bracelet Draco got me on then decided I would go downstairs and let my parents know I would be going out with Draco.

I walked into the sitting room to see my parents having tea. "Mum, Dad," I said and they looked up. "Sweetheart, you look nice," my mother said. "Thank you," I said quietly. "Are you doing somewhere?" My father asked looking up from his paper. "Well, yes, Draco is taking me on a picnic date. It's for my birthday," I said. They had of course forgotten like always so when they looked up at me in surprise I just sighed. "Oh. Sweetheart, we're so sorry we forgot. It's just been so busy and..." my mother began and I shook my head. "It's fine mum. I'm going back to my room and finishing getting ready," I said and walked away.

I was walking down the hall when I saw Lucas about to go into my room. "Do you not know how to knock?" I asked as I walked towards him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "What?" I asked as I pushed him aside and walked into my room. He followed after me "going somewhere?" He asked. "Yes," I said. "Where?" He asked like he shouldn't have to. "On a date," I told him. "With who?" He asked in his protective voice. "Draco," I said looking at him. "In that?" He pointed at my outfit. I looked down and back up "Yeah, why?" I asked, annoyed. "It's just a 15-year-old boy. And 15-year-old boys only think of one thing, I know I was one!" He said.

I rolled my eyes and let out a loud groan. "Shut up! Look Lucas, nothing like that is going to happen, he's only taking me out for my birthday," I said as I walked to my wardrobe to get a cardigan. "I don't care if it's for your birthday. Change into like... I don't know joggers and a baggy shirt!" He said. "Merlin Lucas!" I laughed and looked at him. "Will you please stop? Nothing is going to happen," I said and he just looked at me.

He huffed and walked into the sitting area. "Lucas!" I whined as I followed behind him. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm sitting here until he comes," he said leaning back with his arm stretched on the back of the sofa. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the chair picking the book up I was reading earlier. 6 o'clock finally rolled around and I heard a tapping on the window from my balcony.

I sat the book down and stood up. I walked over to the door leading to the balcony opening it to see Draco in a black button-down and black dress pants. "Wow. You look beautiful," Draco said, looking me up and down. "Hey! Eyes up here!" Lucas's loud voice boomed behind me. "Merlin Lucas!" I yelled and pushed him back so Draco could come in. "I'll be back," I said before walking into my room to go into my bathroom.

Draco's pov

I watched as y/n walked away. She looked so good in that outfit she was wearing. "Hey!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked back to see Lucas glaring at me. I cleared my throat and shoved my hands in my pockets and glared back. "So, where are you taking my sister?" He asked. "On a picnic," I told him. "Where to?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "A lake," I said, smirking. He took a deep breath before asking "Where at?"

"It's a private lake owned by my family," I told him, smirking at how red his face was getting from anger. "I swear Malfoy if you even think about doing anything with my sister I will kill you," he said, getting closer. "Like what?" I asked. I knew what he was thinking and I would be lying if I said I didn't think about it. About what she looks like under those clothes. I'd also be lying if I said I didn't get myself off at the thought of her. "You know what, Malfoy!" He hissed. I let out a laugh and shook my head "look as much as I'd love to feel your sister in every way possible, I wouldn't do anything she wouldn't want me doing to her. So don't worry it's just a small picnic with just the two of us," I told him.

"I swear to..." he said but was cut off by y/n. "Okay, I'm ready," she said, looking up at us. "All right, let's get going, Darling," I said looking at Lucas before taking her hand. "Are you alright Lucas?" She asked. "I'm fine. Have fun on your date," he said, smiling at her. "How are you getting there?" He asked, looking at me. "My broom is right outside," I told him. "Of course it is! So you can have her tight up against you with her arms around you holding on tight. Right? That's been your plan?" He asked angrily.

"Oh, come on, Lucas! Stop. Just because you were a perv when you were 15 doesn't mean Draco is. I'll see you later," y/n said, opening the door and walking out onto her balcony. "See you later, Thronheart," I said smirking and following y/n. I mounted my broom and held out my hand helping y/n on. She wrapped her arms around my waist and scooted so she was pressed tight against my back. Lucas came out and I smirked winking at him. "Hold on tight and don't let go," I told y/n and I felt her nod her head as she tightened her grip on my waist a little more. Then I took off towards my family's land where the lake was.

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