Chapter Sixty-Two

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A/N: so, this is kinda shorter than the other ones and it's kinda sad.

August 29, 1997 

We were supposed to be going back to Hogwarts for our seventh year in a few days. Well, I was going back and Draco planned to go back, too, but it was going to be more difficult for him. He had to attend Death Eater meetings with Voldemort, his parents, and other Death Eaters. He had apparated me back to Thronheart Manor to my room. I needed clothes and I wanted to get a few other things as well. I didn't plan on staying there any longer than needed. Draco had left me there while he went back to Malfoy Manor for a meeting. 

I had been gathering stuff into my trunk for school and other things into a bag I had enchanted to be endless. Hermione had shown me that spell and it was brilliant. You could fit as much as you wanted into a small bag. I was gathering books when a voice made me jump. "Y/N?" I turned around to see Aurora standing there. I put my hand over my heart and took a deep breath. "Merlin, Aurora, you scared me," I said. "Sorry. What are you doing here? Are you coming back?" She asked. "No, I'm not staying. I'm just gathering my things. I'm staying with Draco," I told her. "We haven't seen you in, like, a year," she said. "Yeah, I know. Sorry about that," I told her, turning back around. 

"There's someone I'd like you to meet," she said. "Umm. Maybe later," I told her. "Please," she said. I sighed and turned back around to look at her pleading eyes. "Okay, fine," I said. "Great! I'll be right back!" She said. I finished packing the time she came back. "Y/N, I'd like you to meet your nephew," she said. I just stood there, mouth open, and eyes wide. In her arms was a baby boy, he couldn't have been more than a couple months old. "You and Lucas --" I said, lost for words. I was so caught up in everything last year that I didn't care to check in with my own brother. Then I remembered what Draco told me that night he came to the Manor. Lucas had join Voldemort. 

"His name is Grayson Lucas Thronheart," she said, smiling down at the baby boy in her arms. I looked at her and started to step forward but stopped. There in her right forearm was the mark, she had the dark mark, too. She looked down at her arm and sighed. "I didn't want it, you know," she said. "What?" I asked, looking up at her. "My parents forced it on me. Just like your parents forced Lucas. It was take it or we die," she said. "I'm sorry," I whispered. She walked over to me and gestured for me to take Grayson. "Go ahead," she said. I let her put him in my arms as she supported his head until she was sure I had him. 

"He's so tiny," I said. "Yeah, he is. But he's like his father," she laughed. "He looks like Lucas," I said, looking down at the baby in my arms. "Sleeps like him too," she said. "All sprawled out!" We both said at the same time and laughed. He really was the cutest thing. Babies always gave me anxiety with how fidgety they would get and then they would cry and I wouldn't know what to do. "I need a favor from you," Aurora spoke. I looked up at her and raise my brow. "What kind of favor?" I asked. "I need you to promise me -- promise me if something happens to me and Lucas, you'll take care of Grayson. Raise him to be better. Raise him to be kind and accepting of everyone no matter their blood status. Raise him the opposite that we were raised," she said. 

"What? Aurora, what're you talking about?  Nothing's going to happen to you," I said. "Just promise me, please. You and Draco are who Lucas and I have chosen to be his god-parents. I don't want anyone else raising him," she told me. "I- I--" I stuttered. "Please," she pleaded. Tears filling her eyes. I nodded my head as tears filled my eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, coming over and wrapping her arms around me being careful of the baby. She pulled away and wiped her eyes. She looked behind me and I slowly turned around to see Draco and Lucas standing there. 

"Y/N," Lucas said. I smiled through the tears. Everything was so messed up. This wasn't supposed to be our lives. Draco and I should be enjoying our last year of school and deciding what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Lucas and Aurora shouldn't be worrying about something happening to them. They should be planning a wedding and enjoying their lives raising their son. I had gotten a letter from Hermione had sent me a letter a few weeks ago, secretly of course. Her, Ron, and Harry were searching for all the Horcruxes so Voldemort could be destroyed once and for all. 

Draco walked over to be and caught the rest that escaped with the pad of his thumb. He kissed my forehead and whispered we had to go. I nodded my head and walked over to Lucas carefully laying Grayson in his arms. "He's beautiful. And -- and if anything does happen, I'll raise him like he's my own. He'll know how brave his parents are," I whispered. "Thank you," he said. He leaned down and kissed forehead before walking over to Aurora. I hadn't noticed but one of the Malfoy's house elves was there. He gather my stuff and snapped himself back to the Manor. Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and I looked at my brother.

 "I love you," I said. "I love you, too, always," he said. He looked over at Draco. "Please, take care of her and protect her," he said. Draco nodded. "I always will," he said. Then we were back in his room at Malfoy Manor. I wrapped my arms around Draco's waist and cried into his chest. My tears soaking his suit jacket. His arms wrapped around my body and one hand came up to cradle my head. "I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered. I couldn't wait for all this to be finally over. I was strongly thinking about forgetting school and going to help Hermione, Ron, and Harry.


Extra A/N: So, I don't know if I'll be updating soon after this. My dog is sick and I had to take her to the animal hospital. She's 11 years old so idk if she has an infection or if she is going from old age. I'm hoping just an infection.

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