Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Check out the characters to see what Melina and Stella look like.
Please vote, comment, and share it helps me out a lot. If not I'll just end up giving up on this story. Tell me what you would like to see happen and if there are any mistakes me let me know.

"Malfoy, why are you in my room? And how did you get here before me?" I asked, annoyed.

"Have my ways. Enjoy holding hands with Potter?" He said with jealousy lacing his words.

"Well, not that it's any of your business but I wasn't holding hands with Harry. And whatever your ways are, knock it off. Now get out," I said and pointed to my door.

He stood up and walked towards the door. But stopped and turned his head slightly towards me. "Did you not like it?" He whispered so slowly I almost didn't hear him.

My eyebrows scrunched together confused at what he was talking about. It was silent for a couple of minutes until it clicked in my head that habeas talking about that bracelet. I sighed "it's beautiful Draco, of course, I like it," I told him. "But like you said it means nothing," once I said that his head snapped up and looked over at me. "You're right; it isn't," He said and opened the door and walked, slamming it on his way.

It was hard not having friends in Slytherin. No one wanted to be my friend since I'm friends with the golden trio. I've tried making friends but it turned out awful. There was a knock on my door and I groaned. "Go away Malfoy!" I yelled.

"Not Malfoy!" A soft female voice yelled back. I opened the door and there stood a girl about my height with green eyes and dark hair with beautiful honey skin. "Oh, I'm sorry I just assumed. I don't even know actually he's not one to knock," I said with a sheepish smile.

"That's alright. I'm Melina Addington. I am down the hall from you. I'm dorm mates with Pansy and Daphne," she said with a sweet smile.

Great, she's friends with Pansy that can't be good. "Oh, umm. What can I do for you?" I asked. That was probably stupid of me to ask. They probably had a bet or something. Probably want to make a fool out of me. "I was wondering if I could maybe hide in here for a little while. Pansy won't shut up about Malfoy," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, well, I..." I hesitated.

"Please, I promise this isn't some joke or anything I despise the girl. She's so full of herself," Melina said, rolling her eyes. I let out a chuckle and stepped aside so she could come in. She walked in and looked around my room. "Wow, you're so lucky getting a room to yourself," she said smiling and running a finger along the books on the shelves.

"Yeah, the only nice thing about my parents being who they are," I laughed a little.

"So, why did you think I was Malfoy?" She asked, turning to look at me with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, god, No! He just likes to annoy me and see how far he can push me until I snap. Besides he's kind of blackmailing me," I told her. That was probably not smart but I had a strong feeling I could trust her.

We talked all night and I ended up letting her just stay in my dorm so she could get a little longer break from Pansy and her obsession with Malfoy.  In the morning Melina went back to her dorm to get ready and then we went to breakfast together. It was nice having someone else to sit with at the Slytherin table, someone that actually seemed like they liked me.

We sat down at the table and started eating as we talked more trying to get to know each other. "You do realize Potter has been staring at you this whole time?" Melina asked.

"What? Oh, yeah he has this crush on me. I don't have the heart to tell him I only see him as a friend, a brother even," I said and waved at Harry. He waves back and put his down sheepishly.

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