Chapter Forty-One

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I headed back to the dorms. By that time the words that had burned into my skin had disappeared but left a nasty scar. I mumbled the password and walked into the common room. Everyone was sitting around talking and having a good time. I looked around for Draco but didn't see him. "Y/N!" I looked up to see Melina walking over to me. "Hey," I greeted. "How was detention? Probably awful with that Potter and that troll of a woman," she said, rolling her eyes. "It wasn't too bad. She made us write lines. Where's Draco?" I said. "He's in his dorm room," She told me and I thanked her. I asked Theo to let me into the boy's side of the dorms and went to Draco's door.

**knock knock** "Draco?" I said as I knocked. I tried the door handle but it was locked. **knock knock** "Draco! Open the door!" I said a little louder. There was music playing in the common room so it was a little loud. I waited a few seconds and still got no answer. I huffed out a sigh and took my wand out *"Alohomora,*" I whispered and the door unlocked. I opened the door to see him sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard, book in hand. "Did you not hear me?" I asked and closed the door. "No, there's a silencing spell on the room," he said simply. "Oh. Why aren't you in the common room with everyone else?" I asked, walking over to his bed. I slipped my shoes off and crawled across the bed and sat beside him. "Because that Prat of an ex of yours wouldn't stop staring at me. I was about to curse him so I left," he said, not looking up from the book.

"Oh. Well, detention was awful. Well, I mean it wasn't bad I guess," I said looking down at my hand. "That Umbridge is a bitch though," I huffed. "Well, if you wouldn't have argued with her and wouldn't have taken Potter's side you wouldn't have ended up in detention," He said. There was a little venom in his voice and maybe a little jealousy. I rolled my eyes "you're not going to be all jealous are you?" I asked. He slammed the book closed and looked at me. He grabbed my hand that had the bracelet on it but stopped when he looked at my hand. "What happened?" He asked. "Umbridge has a special quill she made us use. She had us write 'I must not tell lies and as we did the words burned into our skin," I told him.

"Darling, I'm sorry," he spoke softly and kissed the back of my hand. But then he switched back to his scowl and his eyes darkened slightly. "But this," he said, lifting my arm to show the bracelet. "Malfoy! Not Potter! You're mine. Understood?" He growled looking me in the eye. "Okay, one, I'm not an object so you don't own me. Two, I've told you before, Draco, I don't like Harry that way. You have me not him," I said but that didn't satisfy him. I rolled my eyes and sighed "I'm yours," I groaned. After I said that he threw the book and slammed his lips against mine pulling me so I was laying down and he crawled on top of me. The night was nothing but us making out and him marking my neck with a couple of little love bites.


The next morning after changing into our robes we went to the Great Hall for breakfast. Stella decided to sit with us to be with Melina. I watched as Harry walked in and went up to the table where Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were. They talked then we all heard Umbridge.

"Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" She said. We got up and walked out of the Great Hall to see her and Professor McGonagall walking up the stairs. "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," McGonagall said. "So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minerva," Umbridge said. "Not at all, Delores," McGonagall shot back. "Merely your medieval methods," she said. "I... am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry. And by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty," Umbridge told her.

I stood in front of Draco, his one arm around my waist. Melina and Stella close by. Harry was standing in front of everyone as we all watched the two Professors argue. "Disloyalty," McGonagall scoffed. Umbridge stepped up a couple of steps and turned to us all. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action," she said.

A few hours later and Filch was hammering a metal stud into the stone wall and hanging something on the wall. It said
'Proclamation. Educational Degree #23. Dolores Jane Umbridge had been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor." The days after Umbridge took over Hogwarts were horrible. There were so many rules that kept being added.


We were in Divination Professor Trelawney was teaching and Umbridge had walked in to access the class as she had been with all the classes. She wanted to make sure they were "educational."

"Just one question, Dear," Umbridge said, interrupting Trelawney. She had a clipboard in her hands. "You've been teaching this post for how long exactly?" She asked. That's how it went with a lot of the classes. She made Professor Trelawney prove she could predict the future. She was even in Professor Snape's class questioning him. "You applied first for the Defense Against The Dark Arts post, is that correct?" She asked him. "Yes," Snape responded in his monotone voice. "But you were unsuccessful?" She asked. "Obviously," he said. Then she left.

She went around tightening ties, tucking in shirts, lengthening girls' skirts, separating couples who were kissing or too close, just with the flick of her wand. She had stopped the Weasley twins when they were showing the new tricks they had while in the courtyard. The wall was quickly growing full of new rules like... No music is to be played during study hours. I thought it was ridiculous and of course Draco was all on board with it all.

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