Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I still had a hold of Draco's hand when we walked into the Great Hall. We walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. I looked around for Melina only to spot her sitting with Stella at the Hufflepuff table. Durmstrang was sitting at the table as usual and that meant Jaxzon was there. I looked to my right past Draco and gasped. I nudged him. "What?" He asked. "Look who is getting cozy with Jaxzon," I said and returned his head. Pansy was giggling as Jaxzon had his arm around her shoulders whispering in her ear. "Looks like I'm off the hook now and so are you," I said and Draco scoffed. "They're made for each other," he said and I laughed "both psychopaths," I mumbled.

Jaxzon and Pansy must have sensed we were staring because they looked at us. Jaxzon had smug look on his face and winked. I scrunched my nose up and rolled my eyes. Pansy had a similar smug look, I guessed she thought it would make me or Draco jealous. Draco just swung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. The look on Pansy's face was priceless. After we finished breakfast we went to our classes.

After our second class, we had a free period. So we went out to one of the courtyards. Stella and Melina went over to talk to Cedric so I was stuck with Draco and his band of idiots. Draco had jumped up in the tree and leaned down, extending his hand. "Come on, don't be scared," he said and I rolled my eyes. "I'm not scared! And I don't need your help," I told him but grabbed his hand anyway. He pulled me up and I moved around him to sit on the other side of him.

I was leaning my back against the tree as I read. Draco leaned back a little to look at me. I looked up from the book "what?" I asked. He moved closer to me until his face was inches from mine. "What're you doing?" I asked leaning my head back as much as I could but he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward. He quickly kissed me and went back to his friends who seemed to not notice. My face got hot and I looked down at the book in my hands. "Why so tense, Potter?" Draco called out and I quickly shoved the book in the pocket of my robe.

I positioned myself so I was looking over Draco's shoulder. I saw Harry look over but then he continued to walk away ignoring Draco. "My father and I have a bet you see!" Draco said and I sighed. I moved and jumped down from the tree on the other side. "I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament," Draco continued and jumped from the tree. I ran around the tree to stand near him. "Draco," I warned but he kept talking and he and his friends walked closer to Harry. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five," he says and laughs.

That pissed Harry off and he stormed towards Draco "I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy!" Harry said and pushed Draco a little. I quickly stepped in between them "Harry doesn't. It's not worth it," I said but again I was ignored as he continued. "He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic," he said. He looked at me as I stood in front of Draco, "and so are you for being with him," Harry said and started walking away. "Pathetic," I heard Draco and turned to see him reaching for his wand. I grabbed his hand "Draco," I said but before I would go on a voice cut me off.

"Oh, no you don't sonny!" Moody yelled and pointed his wand at us insane red sparks and dropped to the ground out of the way only for it to hit Draco. I looked down to see a white ferret. "I'll teach you to cure someone when their back is turned," Moody said. "Draco!" I gasped and stood up to look at Moody as he walked over. People were laughing including Harry and I glared at him. "What is wrong with you! You can just turn students into ferrets!" I yelled at Moody.

Moody pointed his wand at Ferret Draco and started swinging him up and down. "Stop it!" I yelled. "Professor Moody!" McGonagall said as she came over. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Teaching," he said. "Is that a--? Is that a student?" She asked. "Technically It's a ferret," he told her. "It's Draco Professor!" I said. Then he put Ferret Draco down Goyle's pants. "Oh. My god!" I said and ran over pulling him out of his pants quickly. Everyone was laughing and I held Draco close to me. I pulled my wand and pointed it at Moody "I should turn you into a Ferret!" I yelled. "Miss. Thronheart put Draco down!" McGonagall said. I put him down and she turned him back.

He stood up off the ground, his hair a mess. He turned and backed away when he saw Moody. "My father will hear about this!" He said. "Is that a threat?" Moody said going after Draco as he ran away. "Professor Moody!" McGonagall yelled. Moody yelled at him as Draco ran away with his friends behind him. "Draco!" I yelled and went running after him but stopped beside Harry. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't put your name in the Goblet of Fire!" I said and his face fell before he could say anything I ran after Draco.

Once I found Draco he was in the corridor threatening his friends not to even mention what happened. Once they were gone they installed him. "Draco?" I said and he turned around "same goes, you blood traitor!" He growled. I looked down, "I was just going to see if you were all right," I whispered. As much as I hated to admit it, it hurt when he called me that. I used to ignore him but now it's different since we started to get closer. "I leave you alone, I'm sorry," I said and turned around. "Wait! Don't go. I'm sorry," Draco said quickly and I stopped.

I turned back around and looked at him. His blond hair was still a mess so I walked up to him. I stood on my tiptoes a little and fixed his hair. "There that's better. Draco Malfoy isn't Draco Malfoy without neat hair," I said smiling. I felt him steady me by putting his hands on my waist. "You know, you're kind of cute as a ferret," I smirked and looked up at him. He scoffed and glared at me which only made me laugh harder. "It's not funny! My father..." He started but I cut him off "yes, yes. Your father will hear about this," I said and rolled my eyes but still had a smirk. He tugged me closer to him "Why are you smiling?" He asked. "It's not funny," he protested. "It kinda is," I said and leaned up, giving him a quick kiss before he could say anything. "Thought you didn't like me?" He said in a cocky tone. "I don't," I said and he kissed me again.

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