Chapter Thirty-One

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Draco wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. "Let's go to dinner," Draco said and we pulled apart. I nodded and he threw his hat and coat on the bed leaving him in just his black suit. I took my coat off and put it with his stuff and we walked out into the common room to see it was empty. We walked out of the passage and up the stairs to the Great Hall.

Once there Draco stopped me "what?" I asked and looked up at him. He pulled me towards him and crashed his lips into mine. I kissed back only pulling away once I needed air. He put that devilish smirk on and put his arm around my waist. We walked into the great hall and people's heads turned. I saw Hermione and the boys looking at me with disappointment and disgust on their faces. I looked away and looked at the Slytherin table. Jaxzon's face was red and his jaw was clenched. We walked up to him and I looked at me "checkmate," I said and we walked down to sit with Draco's moron friends.

A couple of days later I woke up and changed into my robes and grabbed my bag. I headed out of my dorm and met up with Melina. "Finally, I'm starving," she said and I rolled my eyes. We made our way out into the common room and then out into the corridor where we met Stella then headed to the Great hall. "Took you long enough," Draco said, making me jump. "Shut up! I'm not even late," I said.

We walked further in to see Ron holding up some ghastly dress robes. Hermione was explaining to him they weren't for Ginny but for him. "Dress Robes? For what?" He asked, confused.  Draco laughs at him and his band of morons does the same. "Poor Weasel- Bee so poor he has to wear hand-me-down dress robes!" He laughs out. "Draco! Stop it!" I said and pulled him away from the trio.

Later that day all the Slytherin's fourth year and up were instructed to go to the Great Hall. When we walked in, the tables and benches were placed to the side. Snape stood in the middle of the room while Filch placed a record on a record player. "The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. Christmas Eve night we will gather here in the Great Hall for well-mannered frivolity," Snape said in his monotone voice after we all sat down on benches that were lined on either side. "I have the unfortunate pleasure of teaching you how to properly dance so you don't make a fool out of this school," he explains.

"Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Thronheart you'll be demonstrating," he said looking at us. We both look up at him in shock and stand up. He has us face each other and Draco puts right hand on my waist and I put my right hand on his shoulder then we put our left's hands together and out to our side up in the air a little. Flitch starts the music and we dance around the room with ease. It wouldn't be the first time we've had to dance in our lives, not with the balls our families would have. Snape then makes everyone get up and he partners them together. I looked over to see Melina was paired with Blaise. Then I look behind Draco to see Pansy being paired with Crabbe and I let a laugh slip past my lips.

Draco looks at me with his face scrunched "What's so funny?" He asked in an almost offensive tone. "Turn me around so we're switched," I said and he did so. "Now look behind me," I told him and he smirks and lets out a laugh. As we dance we get to a part where the guys have to pick us up while we have our hands on their shoulders and we turn. "On three... 1...2...3," Snape said as though he was bored. Draco lifted me with ease and spun us around before gently bringing me to my feet. After that, we were finally released from class and we headed off to finish our day.

A few days later  Melina, Stella, and I had our robes still on with our gloves and scarves on. Mine and Melina's green and silver and Stella's yellow and black. Melina and Stella walk hand and hand as we walk through the clock-tower courtyard. "So I take it you guys are going to the Yule Ball together?" I asked.  "If we are. I wouldn't want to go with anyone else," Melina exclaims, making Stella blush. "What about you, y/n, who saw you going with? Draco?" Stella asked. "What? No. No. Um.. no one has asked me yet," I said.

"She'll end up going with Draco. He'll ask her or more like tell her she's going with him and that will be that," Melina said smirking. "How do you know? Maybe I want to go with someone else," I said as we stopped. "Oh? Like who?" She asked. "Well, um... that's not important!" I said flustered.  "She's going with Draco," Melina said and Stella nodded. "She's right y/n, you'll end up going with Draco," she said smiling. I huffed "as he'd ever been the romantic type and asked me. He'll tell me and hone"style If he does I might just punch him," I said. We all laughed and walked inside "do you have a dress?" Stella asked. "Yes, actually I do. I can't wait for you guys to see it!" I said excitedly.

I continued while Melina hung back to say good-night to Stella. I walked into the common room and straight to my dorm. I opened my door and walked in, shutting it behind me. I took my gloves, scarf, and robe off putting them on my bed. I notice a black velvet box sitting on my pillow. I picked it up and opened it to reveal a necklace that looked to match the bracelet Draco had gotten me. There was a note that was stuck to the lid of the box and I pulled it off and sat the box down.


I'd be honored if you'd go to the Yule Ball with me. The necklace goes with the bracelet I got for you last Christmas.

yours truly,


I smiled and picked the box back up and ran my fingers lightly over the necklace. It was absolutely beautiful and would go with my dress perfectly. Who knew Draco could actually be romantic in some way. "So, will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" I jumped and turned around to see Draco leaning against the door frame to my room. "Have you never heard of knocking?" I asked. He laughed and walked in closing the door. He walked up to me and took the necklace out of my hand and sat it on my bed. "Just answer the question. Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked. Smiled and nodded "of course since you asked so nicely," I said and laughed as he rolled his eyes.

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