Chapter Forty-Five

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A/N: it's a day early because I'm impatient lol. This containes sexual content. If you are uncomfortable with that I suggest reading until you see the warning then skip until you see the warning saying it's done. Also this is really long. Word Count: 2060
After dinner we all went back to the common room and just hung out. Melina pulled me up to the girls dorms and into my room. "Bloody hell, Melina," I said after she shut the door. She casted a silencing spell before turning to look at me. "Where were you today? We were to meet in the Room Of Requirement," she asked. "Sorry. I was on my way but then Draco stopped me," I told her. "Did you tell him you were meeting with me?" She asked. "Yes. We kinda ended up getting... caught up with something," I said, lying down on the floor. "Caught up with something?' She asked. Confusion was written across her face until it hit her. "Oh, my Merlin! You didn't?" She shrieked. I didn't answer her just kept looking down. I could feel my face getting hot.

"You did! You shagged! Where?" She asked. "We didn't shag, Melina. Well, not exactly," I said. "Not exactly? Then what did you... no. Was it him, or you?" She asked. My face heated up even more. "You! He went down on you in the corridor?" She yelled. "What? No! He didn't go down on me. He... did something else," I said. I cleared my throat and walked over to my bed. "Something else? You mean he fingered you in the bloody corridor?!" She screamed. I ran over to her and slapped my hand over her mouth. "Will you shut it? Like you never did that to Stella," I hissed. She pushed my hand away from her mouth and cleared her throat. "One, no one can hear us. And two, we're not talking about me," she said. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a look. I could see she was getting flustered. "You have, haven't you?!" I laughed. "Maybe. But that's not the point," she said. We both started laughing and laid down on my bed.

"So, have you guys actually you know, have sex?" Melina asked. "That is none of your business," I said, trying not to smile. "You have, haven't you!" You yelled, sitting up looking at me. I laughed covering my face with a pillow. "Tell me everything!" She said. Melina flipped over so she was laying on her stomach looking at me, her hands holding her head up. "I'm not telling you about that," I said laughing. "Does he have a big..." she started. "Melina!" I yelled hitting her with the pillow. We started laughing. "What about you and Stella?" I asked. She instantly stopped a blush coloring her beautiful golden brown skin. "You have!" I said. "Maybe," she said. "When?" I asked her. "Over the summer. What about you and Draco?" She asked.

"What about me?" We heard and looked towards the door. Draco stood leaning in the doorway. "How the bloody hell did you get in here?" Melina asked. I rolled my eyes. "He's sneaky and nosey," I said. "I have my ways," he said, shutting the door and walking over to sit beside me on the bed. I moved over as he sat down, his back against the headboard. "What're you two talking about?" He asked. "Nothing. Just girl stuff," I said. "She was just going to tell me when you two shagged," Melina said. My eyes widened, "Melina! Shut up!" I yelled. She got up and ran out of the door just as I threw a pillow.


"So, talking about how good I fuck you?" Draco asked. I looked at him and groaned. "Someone is confident," I said. "What? Are you saying I don't make you feel good?" He asked. Draco moved so he was hovering over me. "I never said that," I said, smirking at him. "Maybe I should show you. I mean you did say later," he said, leaning down and kissing my neck. "Did I?" I asked, tilting my head back to give him better access. I felt his right hand slide down to my leg. He hooked it around his waist before sliding his hand up under my skirt. He kissed up my neck to my jaw until his lips finally settled on mine. He kissed me slowly at first but then it turned more possessive.

I moved my hands up to his chest and started to unbutton his shirt. He had already taken his toe off at some point, probably before coming to my room.  Draco sat up and pulled his shirt off then pulled his wand out and cast a silencing spell and locked the door as well. He was kneeling on his knees and pulled me closer to him making me squeal. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it open causing buttons to fly everywhere. "Draco!" I yelled. "What? It was in my way," he laughed and leaned down and kissed me. His hand ran up my leg and played with the hem of my panties. I moaned into the kiss.

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