Chapter Forty-Six

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Everyone was questioned by Umbridge one by one we were taken into her office and she questioned us. I helped Harry in The Room of Requirement to teach everyone spells to defend themselves. The twins set up sweets for Filch that caused him to get nasty boils all over his face.  Day after day  a new proclamation went up.




Of course Draco signed up for the Inquisitorial Squad. He was getting more and more suspicious as to where I was running off too. Dumbledore's Army was getting stronger and better with the spells even Neville. The holidays were coming up soon and we would be going home.

"So, that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays. So, just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And, well done, everyone. Great, great work," Harry announced at our last lesson until after the holidays.

I was in my room packing my truck when I felt arms snake around my waist. "You should come home with me for the holidays," Draco said and kissed my neck. "I need to see my family," I told him. "I'm sure mother and father wouldn't mind them coming over for dinner," He said and peppered kisses on my neck. And that is exactly what we did. I stayed at Malfoy Manor for the holidays. On Christmas my parents, Lucas and Aurora came over for dinner. It was as bad as I thought I would be. My parents and Draco's parents were thrilled we were together. His father was happy he was with a pureblood. I wasn't sure he'd be happy though if he knew who my friends were. I know my parents would be disappointed. After the holidays we were right back at Hogwarts. Not long after we were back Bellatrix Lastrange, Draco's Auntie, escaped Azkaban.

We were in The Room of Requirement learning the Patronus Charm. To be able to produce one you had to dig deep down and think of a very powerful happy memorie. That memory for me was the picnic Draco took me on for my birthday. I was able to cast my patronus that turned out to be a Y/P. This charm was what would defend you from Dementors. While we were having fun everything started to shake. I looked over at Stella and Melina whose Patronus' faded away along with everyone else's. The glass shattered and I walked up to the wall. I looked through the small hole in the wall to see Filch, the other Inquisitorial Squad, and Umbridge. "I'll make quick work of this," she said. We all ran back away from the wall just as she cast Bombarda Maxima and the wall blew to pieces.

Once the dust settled they all stood there looking at us. Then Draco came into view holding Cho by her robes. I felt Melina lace her fingers with mine and squeeze my hand. Draco looked at me and his face dropped but then hardened again. I just looked down at my feet not being able to look him in the eye. "Get them," Umbridge said. Draco let go of Cho and walked up to me grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him. His grip tight on my arm. He was pissed and probably jealous. I saw the fire in his eyes. Cho and Harry were taken to Dumbledore's office. The next day a new proclamation was put up.



  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry

Once she was in full charge she started making more rules.

Draco didn't let me leave his site. He always made sure I was near him. He screamed at me for being a part of Dumbledore's Army and ranted about how I was his and not Potter's. I just stood there rolling my eyes and rubbing my arm. That night I stayed in his dorm room. I was changing into his Quidditch jersey in the bathroom when I noticed my arm in the mirror. Where he had grabbed me was a bruise. I had so many mixed emotions flooding me. I was angry that he squeezed my arm so hard that it left a bruise and angry that he had screamed at me acting as if I was an object. But I was also hurt that he would ever do that especially when he says he loves me.

He ended up coming into the bathroom before I got the jersey on and saw the bruise. The guilt that took over his features as I watched him in the mirror was undeniably real. He had left and came back with his wand casting a spell to rid the bruises from my arm. Then he pulled me into him apologizing over and over. He held me the whole time that night. He had his head laying on my chest with his arms wrapped around my waist not willing to let go. He made sure to always have his arm around me in some way while in the corridors or in the great hall. That was until the new proclamation was announced that boys and girls weren't permitted to be within 8 inches of each other. That pisses Draco off.

Portraits were taken off the walls and proclamations filled their places. Those of us who were caught had to write lines. And of course those lines were written with Umbridge's special quill. That scar I had on my hand already from when me and Harry had detention just got worse. After we were released I walked out with Melina who was trying to comfort her girlfriend as best she could without getting into more trouble. Draco had been waiting for me and quickly took my hand. "I'm sorry," whispered and kissed the back of it.

In the next few days we had our OWLs on Theory of Charms. While we sat in the great hall in complete silence we heard a noise. Umbrigde walked towards the doors and opened them. Small Fireworks went off then the twins came in on their brooms setting more off. The best one was of a dragon that chased Umbrigde. All the proclamations fell off the walls and we all made a run for it cheering for the twins.

Later Ron, Hermione, Harry, Melina, Stella, me and a few others were taken into Umbridge's office. Draco came in holding onto Neville. "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl," he said. Draco pushed him to the boy holding me and took me and held onto my arm but not hard. Harry was sitting in the chair with Umbridge in front of him. "You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" She asked. "No," he said. "Liar," she said and slapped him. I jumped back into Draco a little, my eyes wide. "You sent for me, headmistress?" Snape said as he appeared in the doorway. "Snape, yes. The time has come for answers whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" She asked. "I'm afraid you've used up stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang," Snape told her.

"unless you wish to poison him, and I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did... I cannot help you," He said. Snape went to leave but stopped when Harry spoke. "He's got padfoot. He... He's got padfoot at the place where it's hidden," he said. "Padfoot? What is padfoot? Where, what is hidden? What is he talking about Snape?" Umbridge asked. Snape looked at Harry then at her. "No idea," he said and left. "You give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security you leave me with... no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to listen to your tongue," Umbridge said. "That's illegal," Hermione said. "What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him," she said. "You're bloody mad!" I said. Draco leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Shut up before she does something to you."

Before she could do anything Hermione yelled out. "Tell her, Harry!" Umbridge looked at her asking what. "Well, if you won't tell her where it is... I will," Hermione said. "Where what is?" The pink bitch asked. "Dumbledore's affected weapon," she said. Then Umbridge took her and Harry to the Forbidden Forest to look for the supposed secret weapon.

Later that night Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna left. I wanted to go with them but stayed with Draco. Later I found out that Sirius was killed by Bellatrix. Umbridge was gone and Dumbledore was back. It was the end of Fifth year and we were going home for the summer. But what I wasn't prepared for was what next year would bring. I thought I was going to be able to spend all summer with Draco but that wasn't how things went.

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