Chapter Forty-Three

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A/N: this chapter contains sexual content. Do not read if you are not comfortable with it. Also, I'm just as impatient as you guys are lol. Hopefully, my story doesn't get reported and taken down. This is a little longer than other chapters.

Warning: a little possessive Draco, bad smut writing, language, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it!)

After Harry's speech, people started signing up for Dumbledore's Army. The only thing we had to worry about was Umbridge. We came up with a place where we could practice where no one would find out about it.

Later that day a new proclamation was nailed up to the wall. "All student organizations are henceforth disbanded. Any student in noncompliance will be expelled," Umbridge said over the P.A. along with that Neville came about a place where we could practice, the room of requirement. Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, the twins, and I all stood inside. "You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement," Hermione said. "The what?" Ron asked. "It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need for it and is always equipped for the seeker's needs," Hermione explained. After that, I went back to my common room and told Melina about it.

I walked into my room shutting and locking the door behind me. "Where were you today?" I jumped and turned around to see Draco leaning against the post of my bed. "Bloody hell, Draco. I was with Melina and Stella," I told him. "Where did you three go?" He asked. "Hogsmeade," I told him and walked towards my bathroom.  "But they're not the only ones you went with, are they, darling?" He said now leaning in the doorway. "Um. No, Hermione and Ron were also there," I said and walked past him back into the room. I sat on the side of my bed and slipped my shoes off. "And Potter," he slowly growled, walking to stand in front of me. "Yeah, Harry was there too. So was Fred and George, Ginny," I told him. "Then you walked back with Potter," he said, now standing directly in front of me looking down at me. "Well, yeah. I mean we all walked back together," I said.

"What about after that? Why were you on the seventh floor with him?" He asked. "Wait, how do you know where I was and who I was with? If you already knew, why ask?" I said and stood up. "You don't need to worry how I know. But you do need to worry about Umbridge," he said. "Merlin, Draco, screw Umbridge. She needs to piss off. She made this school literal hell," I said. "She's making it better," he argued. "And I told you I don't like you around Potter. You're mine," he said and cupped his hand around my chin so I would look at him. I looked at him in those beautiful blue-gray eyes and smiled moving so my lips just lightly brushed his. "I don't belong to anyone. I am not an object," I whispered and pulled away.


That wasn't the smartest move because his jaw clenched and he pulled me closer to him. "You're wrong, Love, you are mine and mine only. Maybe I should remind you of that," he whispered into my ear. I felt my heart rate pick up and my panties start to get damp.

He pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top on top of me. He started to kiss my neck and kissed up my jaw before attaching his lips to mine. He stood back up and unzipped and button my pants pulling them off with one swift movement. "Don't need those," he said. He grabbed my hands pulling me to sit up. "Arms up," he said and I lifted my arms letting him loft my shirt over my head. After I was left in a bra and panties he pushed my back down, stripping himself down onto just his boxers.

He knelt on the bed in front of me, taking my ankles then pulling me a little closer to him. He ran his hands up my legs squeezing my thighs. "Potter will never make you feel the way I can," He said, staring me in the eye. His blue-gray eyes were blown wide with jealousy, dominance, possessiveness, and lust. He glided his fingers on my covered heat with his fingers then hooked a finger on either side of my panties and pulled them down. I lifted my hips slightly and he pulled them down my legs throwing them somewhere in the room.

He ran two fingers through my wet folds making me let out a quiet moan. His fingers connected with my clit and he added a small amount of pressure and he circled around it pulling a louder moan from me as I jolted forward. "Look at you. Dripping wet for me already. I've barely touched you. He added more pressure and rubbed harsh circles around the small bundle of nerves. I threw my head back moaning out his name. His fingers gravitated towards my tight hole waiting with arousal. He scooted down more and laid on his stomach. "I'm going to show you who you belong to," he growled looking up at me.

His soft lips connected up my clit as he started sucking and licking, pulling a loud moan from me. His pointer and middle fingers slid inside of me and started pumping slowly at first before speeding up. He alternated between pumping and curling his fingers as he sucked hard on my clit, scraping his teeth against it. "Draco," I cried out, gripping the sheets. I felt him hum into me making the vibrations send more pleasure through me. He curled his fingers hitting the perfect spot. My hand shot to his perfect platinum hair pulling it. He didn't let up, only pumping and curling more as he flicked his tongue over my clit. "Draco-- I'm-- I'm close," I moaned out.

My hips lifted off the bed and his free arm wrapped around my waist pushing them back down holding me in place as he continued his assault. I felt myself clench around his fingers and he pumped harder and sucked on my clit into his mouth sucking harsher. I felt the pressure building more. "I'm going to cum. Draco please," I cried out. He curled his fingers fitting the perfect spot and the band broke making me cum all over his fingers. He melted, sucking and licking as he pumped his fingers until I came down from the high. He stood up and pulled his boxers down before climbing on top of me.

"Tell me, y/n, could Potter make you feel that way?" He whispered in my ear and I shook my head, not being able to form a single word. I felt his length rub against my sock and sensitive pussy. He let out a small groan as he kissed and sucked on my neck. "Draco," I whispered. He stopped and looked at me. "I'm ready," I whispered and his brow shot up. "You sure?" He asked and I nodded.  He sat up on his knees and grabbed his length pumping it. "I'll go slow. If you want to stop saying something, Okay?" He said. "Okay," I said.

He rubbed his cock up and down my folds a few times gathering my arousal on the head of his cock. He lined himself up with my entrance and slowly pushed the head of his cock inside me. He leaned down and kissed me, both of us letting out a small moan. I felt a slight burning feeling as he slowly pushed himself in more. Then it all went away when there was a knock on the door. Draco froze and looked behind us at the door. The knocking got louder "y/n!" I voice called from outside. It was a voice neither of us wanted to hear. One that made Draco's face turn red with anger, his hands grip the sheets beside my head.

They knocked louder, making him growl. He looked back down at me. "What the fuck does he want?" He growled. "I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine and I'm guessing Parkinson left. him in," I said. He looked at the door as Jaxzon knocked again and called out my name. Draco looked back down at me and an almost evil and possessive smirk took over his face. He snapped his hips forward making me scream. "Draco!" He leaned down "I'm sorry. But he needs to know who you belong to," he whispered in my ear and he pulled out and slammed himself back in hissing at the feeling. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure and it caused a loud high pitched moan from me.

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