Chapter Sixty-Seven

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This has gone down. Draco and I went to Hogwarts and ended up in the Room Of Requirement standing in front of Harry, Hermione and Ron. I got into a shooting match with Harry about being with Draco. Hermione had to come in between us. Then fucking Goyle sgit a spell at her which in turn pissed Ron off. Draco pulled me along as they ran, Ron right behind us yelling about not throwing spells at his girlfriend. There was nothing more that I wanted to do than to hug and congratulate Hermione. Of course Goyle ended up setting the bloody place on fire by using fiendfyre. Now Draco is pushing me up the pile of furniture to get away from it. 

Draco climbed past me and helped Blaise pull me up to them. Goyle slipped and fell into the fire. The table Draco and Blaise were standing on gave way. "Draco!" I grabbed his wrist. I looked to my side to see Ron, Harry, and Hermione flying by us on brooms. Hermione reached her hand out towards me and pulled me into the broom behind her. Harry got Draco and Ron got Blaise. We raced towards the exit. "I thought you couldn't fly a broom! Also congrats!" I yelled. "I can't! Thanks! And hold on!" She yelled back. Hermione pointed her wand mumbling a spell I didn't hear and we flew out of the door, falling off the broom, and rolling across the floor. The boys followed afterwards. Draco picked his wand up, stood, grabbed my hand and took off running. 

The castle was full of death eaters fighting against students and teachers and anyone else who came to protect Hogwarts. Draco threw spells at any death eater as we ran down the corridors. I was hit with a spell, sending me flying back, hitting a wall, and landing on the floor covered in dust and debris. I groaned as I pushed myself up, my wand gripped right In my hand. "Flipendo!" I yelled, pointing my wand at the death eater walking towards me. "I heard Draco screaming my name as he caught his way towards me. I threw a few more spells as more death eaters charged towards me. "Avada Kedavra!" My head whipped to the side to see Lucas, his wand pointed towards where he just hit a death eater with the killing curse. 

He grabbed my wrist and started running, we ended up running into Draco on the way. "Don't let go of her!" Lucas yelled at him. Draco laced his fingers with my nodding his head. Just as we were getting ready to fight our way out, Lucas went flying backwards as a green light hit him. "No! Lucas!" I screamed. Draco held me back as I tried to run towards my brother who had just been hit with the killing spell. Draco shot a spell at the death eater who had done it and pulled me along with him. Tears streamed down my face as we ran. 

Then it was over. At least for now it was over. Draco held me against his chest while I sobbed into his black suit as two people laid my brother on a blanket in the destroyed great hall. Aurora laid down beside him. My knees giving out from under me. Draco caught me sinking down to the ground stroking my hair and holding me closer to him. "Y/N?" I looked up to see Hermione with tears in her eyes. She knelt down down and hugged me whispering,  I'm so sorry." 

We lost a lot of people. Professor Lupin and his wife Tonks, Fred Weasley, Ron's brother. The great hall was filled with those who we lost. I sat beside my brother and Aurora. "Aurora asked me to look after Grayson if something were to happen," I whispered. Draco was still beside me. "We'll take care of him," his said, kissing my temple. I looked over at him, tears filling my eyes again. Then someone yelled that Voldemort was coming. Everyone walked outside to see Voldemort followed by his followers. Hagrid was being led by ropes. He had someone in his arms. Draco and I stood in the back. 

"Harry Potter is dead!" He yelled, laughing. Ginny screamed and went to run towards Harry but Mr. Weasley stopped her. Draco's hand squeezed mine. Voldemort asked anyone who would wish join him to step forth. "Draco. Come," Lucius said. Draco led me out from behind everyone as we stood there and looked at our parents. I looked at mine mom, wanting nothing more that to run to her, tell her about Lucas and Aurora, but I didn't want to go to that side. "Draco. Come. Now!" Lucius said. "Draco. Come," Narcissa spoke softly. Draco gulped and looked around. I pulled on his hand and he looked down at me. 

"Don't go. Please. Don't go," I said. "Draco," Lucius again said. His hand started to slip from mine as he walked towards his father. "Draco, no," I tried to hold on but he walked down the stairs and towards Voldemort who awkwardly hugged him. "Y/N," I looked at my mother. "Dear. Come here," she said. I shook my head. "Y/N. Now! Listen to your mother," my father demanded. I walked to stand beside Hermione and laced my hand with hers. She squeezed it to assure me she was with me. 

Neville stepped forward making Voldemort, Bellatrix and others laugh. He spoke up, giving a speech and when he was finished, Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms. "Potter!" Draco yelled, throwing his wand towards him as he ran towards me. Harry caught it and started a duel with Voldemort, who went after him. Draco pulled me away from Hermione as she and Ron ran towards the help. Draco pulled me along towards his mother. Narcissa grabbed his other hand and quickly pulled us down the bridge. Lucius followed behind us and my parents shortly after. I felt guilty for leaving my friends behind but didn't pull away. I wanted to get to Grayson. 

Draco let go of his mother's hand and apperated us to my room. As soon as we were there, I ran towards Lucas' room. There in a brass cradle spelt the little boy, and an elf sitting in the rocker watching him. "Thank You, Alma," I whispered. She got off the rocker, "Miss." Then she hurried out of the room. I walked over and picked Grayson up. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. I looked down at him brushing my finger against his soft chubby cheeks. He really did look like Lucas. His little hand wrapped itself around my finger and tears fell down my cheeks. "We'll protect him and raise him as our own," Draco whispered behind me. His arm wrapped around my waist, kissed my temple and put his hand on Grayson's head. 

We were only seventeen and already had the responsibility of taking care of a child. This wasn't how it should be. But it was and I would make sure this little boy grew up knowing his parents were brave.

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