Chapter Fifty

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A/N: Hey! So, I just finished this chapter and thought why not give a bonus chapter to you all. I hope you enjoy. Expect the next one to be a little angsty and maybe a little smutty. Little dominant jealous Draco might come out. We'll see where it takes me. Also thank you for 15k reads!


We walked into the Three Broomsticks and found a table in the back. "What can I get you two?" Madam Rosmerta asked. "Two butterbeers," Draco said. "Two butterbeer coming right up," she said. "Thank you," I said and she walked off. We sat there in silence for a little while. Draco kept looking around like he was expecting someone. "Is everything all right?" I asked. "What?" He asked, turning his head to look at me. "Is everything alright? You keep looking around like you're searching for someone," I said. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, everything's fine," he said. Before I could push more Madam Rosmerta came with our butterbeers. Draco moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"So, I've been wanting to ask you, do you want to come to the manor for holiday? Mum and dad won't mind," I said. "Can't," was his reply and he took a sip of his drink. "Oh. Okay," I said. "I'll be back," he said and picked up the package with him and walked off. I sat there waiting as thoughts swirled around in my head. The bell above the door rang and I looked up to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron walk in. Just then Draco came back and grabbed my hand. "Come on. Let's go," he said and pulled me with him. We stopped at the stairs then Draco saw Harry. He quickly walked away pulling me along with him. "Draco, slow down," I said, pulling on his hand.

"We need to go," was all he said. Once back at the castel we went back to his dorm. "What is going on with you? Why are you acting strange?" I asked. He turned around looking at me. "Nothing is going on with me. Can't I spend time with my girlfriend in private? Or would you rather go back and cuddle up to Potter?!" He hissed. His eyes with burning holes through me. "What in the bloody hell is wrong with you? I thought we were past this. You know I don't like Harry like that. Merlin, Draco, I chose you not him!" I said. I turned and opened the door to leave. "Where are you going?" Draco demanded. "To my dorm. I'm not going to stay here just to be accused of something I didn't do," I told him, and walked out of the door.

I went to my room and shut the door. On my bed was a letter. I walked over, picked it up and opened it. I pulled out a small piece of parchment that read.


Meet me at the astronomy tower at 9.


I looked over at the small clock sitting on my desk reading 8:50pm. "Blood hell, Harry," I whispered. I grabbed my wand and headed to my room. Walking into the common room I saw Melina talking to Mattheo and Theo. I quickly made my way out of the common room. Usually Draco and I were always together. But this year was different, he was distant and more short tempered than usual. I walked to the astronomy tower and up the stairs. I saw Harry standing there looking out over the grounds of Hogwarts.

"Harry," I said softly. He turned around and looked. "Y/N, thank you for coming," he said. "Yeah. So, what is this about?" I asked. "It's about Draco," he said. "What about Draco?" I asked. "He's a Death Eater," he said. I looked at him to try and see if he was joking. His eyes held nothing but seriousness. "What?" I asked, not knowing how to respond. It just brought me back to that day I saw Voldemort in the dining room with my parents , brother, and others. "Draco has the mark," Harry said. "How do you know?" I asked. "We say him Knockturn Alley with his mother. They went Into Borgin and Burkes. We saw him talking to Mr. Borgin. Hermione saw it on his arm," Harry said.

I shook my head and let out a scuffed laugh. "Wow, Harry, that's -- that's a big accusation you're making. Just because you saw him and his mother in Knockturn Alley doesn't mean he has the mark. Now if you'll excuse me," I said, and turned around to leave. I quickly made my way down the stairs. Harry followed me, yelling my name. "Harry, just stop!" I groaned and spun around. "Stop. I know you don't like Draco. I know you don't like that I'm with him. But I love him and you can't change that," I said, sternly.

"He's a Death Eater!" Harry said, desperately. I walked closer to him and looked him in the eye. "Do you have proof of that? No, you don't. You should really mind your own business, Harry. You have a bad habit of getting yourself into trouble and dragging your friends with you," I said, in a calm slow voice. "Katie Bell was cursed. Did you know that?" He asked. "What are you going on about?" I asked. "She found The Opal Necklace in the bathroom at the Three Broomsticks," he said. "That's awful. But what does that have to do with Draco?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe he put it there," he said. I scoffed and turned around walking off.

I was almost to the common room entrance when I saw Draco walk out. I quickly hid and watched him walk down the hall. Once he rounded the corner I followed him. I had my suspicions about what was going on with him. I didn't need Harry to tell me his suspicions. Once again I found Draco up on the seventh floor. He stood in front of the same wall and the same doors appeared. I ran towards the doors right before they closed. I again, like last time, hid and watched him. He was standing in front of that cabinet again. What Harry said about Katie Bell kept playing in my head.

The Opal Necklace is a cursed Dark object, made of opals, that was on sale at Borgin and Burkes. It was claimed to have taken the lives of nineteen different Muggles. I remember my mother telling me about it. My mother liked to collect cursed objects for some odd reason. We had a whole room filled with them. I thought about the object Draco had taken to Hogsmeade earlier that day. We didn't leave with it. I thought about when he appeared behind me on the stairs at the Manor. He told me that my brother was joining Voldemort. Was Harry right? I needed to know what was going on. I had enough of the secrets.

I stepped out from where I was hiding. Draco's head snapped to the side. His eyes widened with a look of surprise and fear that he was caught. When he saw it was me his face relaxed but only for a second. His jaw tightened and hands balled into fist. "What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" He asked. "Is it true?" I asked. A look of confusion took over his features. "Is what true?" He asked. "Do you have the... the mark? Did you leave The Opal Necklace at the Three Broomsticks? Was it you that cursed Katie Bell?" I asked.

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