Chapter Twelve

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I was standing in the dark foyer of Thronheart Manor. My mother and father came walking down the stairs. "Lucas, dear, it's so good to see you," my mother said, hugging him. "Son, how's school?" My father asked.

"Mother. School's good father," Lucas said as he hugged our mother.

"You must be Aroura. It's so good to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you," my mother said, going over to her and engulfing her in a hug.

'Finally? Didn't they just start hanging out this year?'

"Hope all good things," Aurora laughed lightly, hugging my mother back.

I just stood there being ignored like always. It was like I was invisible. "Mother. Father," I spoke up. They looked over at me with surprised faces. "y/n, you came home," my mother said.

"I always come home," I said.

"Of course. How is school?" She asked.

"It's really good. One of the top of the class," I said.

"But not at the very top?" My father asked.

"Umm. No, I'm behind someone else," I said.

"Why? Lucas is very top of his class. Why can't you? Are you not studying enough?" My father asked.

"No, I do..." I started but he cut me off.

"Try hard," he hissed and I nodded my head. "By the way, the La Croix and Malfoy's will be joining us for dinner tomorrow,"

Draco. Maybe I can use him to get in good graces with my Father. "Will Draco be there?" I asked.

"Of course! Don't be so daft y/n! And I don't want to hear you complaining..." my father started yelling walking closer to me. That was until I cut him off.

"No! Daddy, you miss understanding. Me and Draco are friends," I quickly blurted out and he stopped looking at me.

"You and the young Malfoy both are friends?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes. We've gotten close this year," I told him.

"Well, good. I'm glad to hear that. Maybe you're not a disappointment after all," my father said.


I walked up the stairs to the third floor to the west wing. I was the only one on the third floor in the west wing. My room was at the end of the hallway.

I opened the double doors and walked into my room. Under my trunk inside the door and hung Metis' cage up on the hook by the window. "Nice room," a voice said, making me jump as the inlet put a small scream. I turned around to see Draco leaning on the doorway that leads to the small living area. He was wearing black pants and a black button-up that was tucked into the pants. "How... How did you get in here? Why ate you here? And how do you know where I live?" I started questioning him.

"Have my ways. Nice room," he said looking around.

"Why are you here?" I asked. He held up a book "forgot to give this back," he said, throwing it on my bed.

"You came here to give back a book?" I asked, confused. "Well, no. Did your parents tell you we're coming over tomorrow for dinner?" He asked and sat on my bed leaning his forearms on his knees.

"Yes, along with the LaCroix family," I said and slipped my shoes off. I grabbed the book off my bed and walked into the living area. There was a fireplace and one wall was all bookshelves. Draco trailed behind me. "Who are the La Croix family?" He asked.

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