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You and Dick Grayson have been best friends for as long as you could ever remember. You had always had his back, and vice-versa. The pair of you have been inseparable since the first day you met; when the azure-eyed boy walked into the grade four classroom of Gotham Academy for the very first time.

"Boys and girls, if I may have your attention please," Your teacher announced from the very front of the class. "it has come to my attention that we have a new student joining us today, so I would like for you all to give a warm welcome to our new friend, Richard Grayson. You've probably heard of him already, seeing that he has just moved into the city and is still adjusting to his new home life, so please be respectful of him. We all know that being the new kid's never easy..."

It was no surprise that your bright, (E/C) eyes never left the young ink-haired boy as soon as he entered the room, a polite smile spread across his face; revealing his dimples. From the first glance, your initial thought was how much Richard's eyes twinkled just like the matching diamond earrings and necklace your mother wore before going out with your father to the frequent galas at Wayne Enterprises.

However, it was most certainly a surprise when he finally returned your glance. His smile began to spread even more, but there were some crinkles from the edges of his eyes this time around. You felt heat begin to rush to your cheeks as you subconsciously caused yourself to smile back in turn.

"Mr. Grayson, there's a spare seat next to Miss (L/N), who's sitting by the window back there," The teacher continued to speak in her kind tone, gesturing towards you; prompting you to wave your hand a bit. "Your seating assignment will be beside her for the time being."

"Hey, nice to meet you." You greeted in a gentle whisper, bringing a hand in front of Bruce Wayne's ward. "My name's (Y/N)."

"Glad to meet you, (Y/N)." He replied in a whisper as well; returning your handshake. "Even though my name's Richard, I actually go by Dick."

"Well, Dick," You say, giving a mischievous smirk to your new classmate. "I guess it's safe to say that this may be the start of a great friendship."

And so, it was. The days that have passed by from your fourth grade year onwards, it was a rare sight for anyone to not see the both of you joined at the hip. Bruce had his judgments and concerns reserved since it didn't take much for your best friend to reveal his heroic alias to you, thus exposing the Dark Knight as well, but you have always kept your promises. Well, the ones you have made to Dick at least.

You two were an unbreakable duo... that was, until Roy Harper got into the picture. Indeed, when seventeen year-old Roy Harper caught the heart of a fourteen-year old (Y/N) (L/N).

At first, things were alright. It seemed all innocent, as if your feelings were only limited to a conventional school-girl crush; consisting of recurring teases from your best friend.

"Holy smokes, (Y/N)! Is that Roy?!"

"Wait, what?! Where?!"

Yet, after one accidental encounter with the redhead, Dick successfully managed to hook you up on a date with Roy, which later scored you a relationship with your emerald-eyed crush.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Dick to notice your absence. In time, you gradually drifted away from your raven-haired friend, as your time and world slowly begun to revolve around your boyfriend.

While Alfred drove Dick to and from Gotham Academy, the young man couldn't help but to sulk at the sight of his best friend hand-in-hand with her boyfriend. He knew he should've been happy for you, especially because he knew that it took a special kind of sparkle in your (E/C) eyes to tell that you were truly happy. Only... this look of bliss was something more than what he's ever seen of you before.

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