Traditional | Male Reader

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a/n:  happy pride month! to be honest, i've always wanted to write a dick grayson one-shot with a male!reader but because i'm actually female, i was always hesitant to write from a male perspective... i know it doesn't make sense since i have been writing for dick for a little over a year now (i'll get to that later), but he plays a more deuteragonist role in terms of prioritizing pov's. i apologize if my writing isn't as up to par in comparison to my other one-shots, please bear with me since this is my first time writing under a male!reader position ;-;

as for my second announcement! about a week ago would mark the 1-year milestone of me starting this imagines collection :) i would like to thank all of you that have read and supported my work! it has really served me well in the past year, given the *circumstances*, and i don't think there are enough words to describe how incredibly grateful i am to reignite my love for writing (and the especially wouldn't be possible without dick grayson my beloved) i could only hope that i can continue to write for you as long as i can! as always, stay whelmed y'all <3

Okay, you can do this. Many guys have been in your position before, and they've gone through this just fine. If he didn't like me, then he wouldn't have let me date his son in the first place, right? I'm just being paranoid; Dick loves me, everyone in his family loves me. Although he, in particular, doesn't really show it; Bruce loves me too. I need to do this. For Dick.

While your long-time boyfriend, Dick Grayson, is spending the day at work, you figured this would be the perfect opportunity to ask his adoptive ward, Bruce Wayne, for his son's hand in marriage. Even though your relationship isn't exactly what many would call 'traditional', some would even argue it as 'sinful'; the love that you two felt between one another gave you complete faith in your relationship, and by extent, a future with the blue-bird vigilante.

No matter how many times Dick insisted that there was no need to ask for Bruce's permission to marry him, you wanted to make sure that your potential father-in-law knew that you had nothing but respect and the best intentions for his adoptive son. 

Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you walk into the main lobby of Wayne Enterprises and kindly greet the receptionist before going inside the elevator to the building's top floor; the office of the original Billionaire Playboy himself.

"H-Hey, Bruce," You stutter as you slightly open the door. "You got a minute?"

Your boyfriend's father, who was occupied with his computer with a stern expression on his face, held a silencing finger up to you while his eyes were still glued onto the screen. You remained in the same position until Bruce granted you entrance into his office.

"How may I help you, (Y/N)?" Bruce asked, gesturing you to take a seat.

Once you were seated, you cleared your throat before asking your question.

"Um, Bruce, sir," You spoke nervously, twiddling your calloused thumbs. "I-"

"Hey Bruce," An older male voice intervened. "I've got some documents I need you to sign off on. New shipments of batarangs have just arrived."

"Sure thing, Lucius." The billionaire replied, giving the business manager a warm smile before taking the clipboard with the said papers and signing them with a pen he took from his pocket.

After another moment resting in uncomfortable silence, Bruce finished signing the documents and handed back the sheets to Lucius; leading the staff member to exit the office.

"Sorry, (Y/N)." The older man apologized. "You were saying?"

Taking a brief gulp before replying, you let out an anxious chuckle. Bruce was indifferent to your odd behaviour.

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