Hands Off The Merchandise

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Much like the homecity of your boyfriend's legal ward, Blüdhaven has been filled with all sorts of crime in every single area. However in this specific week, there hasn't been any serious plots under the leadership of big threats like Penguin.

For you and Dick, it simply felt too good to be true. A whole week without crime; just the two of you living civillian lives, snuggling on the couch in your pajamas off-work. A paradise you wished could last forever.

However, you can't have paradise without a little trouble.

You seemed to notice Dick's behavior gradually changing throughout the week. It was most unlike him. Your initial theory was just the crime-fighting withdrawl, but as Officer Grayson he can still have some action for time to time.

It didn't take long for you to consider that you were the source of his strange attitude.

The thought brought you so much confusion, you were absolutely sure that you never upset your loving boyfriend. He's got enough on his plate. However, you were always tempted to think of the worst; maybe you weren't doing enough to make him happy, you probably did something wrong to him that you couldn't land a finger on.

Or he could be cheating on you.

Why would he have a problem with you if he was the one cheating? Damian would plainly TT you, then call you absurd.

Today, you simply couldn't take it anymore. Instead of resting your head on Dick's chest as he wrapped his arms around your small frame, you noticed your boyfriend sitting beside you. No intimate gestures took place in comparison to the beginning of the week. It didn't break your heart, it frustrated you.

You grabbed the remote forcefully and shut off the television to have Dick give you his full, undivided attention.

"Alright Grayson," You growled. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Huh?" He asked back, clueless.

"All I wanted this week was to savour every waking moment with my boyfriend while he's not outside being a vigilante for one week. One week! I want you to shower me with hugs and kisses like the goofy boyfriend I know you are!"

"Really?" Dick snapped back. "I'm sorry but that's kind of hard for me to believe. Actually, it looks like I'm the last person you'd ever want to be seen with!"

"What do you mean?!" You argued. "The only person that I want to be with is you! No one else! I'm your girlfriend, Dick! What could make you possibly think otherwise?!"

"Your merchandise!"

"Wait... What?"

"In the beginning, I thought you looked so adorable wearing the superhero merch." Dick explained, hurt shone in his aquamarine eyes. "Remember when I called you cute when you wore your Batman tank top with your running shorts?"

You nodded in slight confusion, answering his question.

"Then, I started to realize how much you collect." The vigilante narrowed his eyes at the latter of his sentence. "I would've excused the Superman throw blanket and the Wonder Woman plushie, but a Kid Flash hoodie?! How the fuck did you get your hands on a Red Hood funko pop?!"

You were speechless.

"This..." You spoke with minor hesitation in your voice. "This is the reason why you've been so upset with me? Because I have lots of superhero merchandise?"

"It's not only that," Dick replied. "It might sound petty, but I can't help but to feel like Nightwing's inferior to every item you own that's tributed to other heroes."

Your emotionally wounded boyfriend tilted his head towards the ground in shame, avoiding your gaze.

"I don't feel good enough to be your hero, (Y/N)."

You brought your hand to Dick's chin, gently lifting his head upwards so he could stare into your (E/C) eyes once more. Bringing your other hand towards your boyfriend, you cupped the sides of your lover's face, pulling him closer to you so your lips meet his in a short, yet sweet kiss.

"I love you, Dick. You of all people should know that you'll always be my hero, and no mask or police badge should define that."

Your boyfriend gave you a sultry smile before pulling you in for another kiss.

"I love you so damn much, (Y/N)." Dick returned. "However, I'd feel some relief if you had at least one piece of Nightwing merch."

Suddenly, a lightbulb flickered in your mind. You instantly remembered that you do own some merchandise of the vigilante.

"Wait right here." You said, lightly pecking Dick's cheek before running back into your room.

Quickly changing out of your Aquaman t-shirt and Green Lantern sweatpants, you rummage through your untidy closet to find the piece of clothing that M'gann somehow convinced you to purchase a couple weeks ago.

You walked back out into the living room, only to be met with your boyfriend dropping his jaw to the floor.

To say what you were wearing is a bit revealing would be an understatement. The clothing in question consisted of a silky midnight-blue brassiere topped with a black-laced layer. On the centre between your breasts laid a tiny, subtle emblem; representing the blue-bird symbol that the vigilante donned. The black lace trim extended to your hips, where you sported a thong that matched your bra.

In short, your Nightwing lingerie left little to the imagination.

"It was supposed to be your birthday gift, but what the hell?" You casually commented.

"As sexy as you look wearing my brand like that," Dick spoke in a husky tone. "You're taking that off right now so I can claim my present in advance."

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