Place Your Bets

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"Okay, so father says a hundred for this weekend, Duke and Aunt Kate says fifty on the instance that Grayson takes too long so (L/N) takes matters into her own hands, Drake says seventy-five for next month on their anniversary. Barbara's placing the same amount for two weeks from today, Stephanie's betting forty-five for six months, Cass bets thirty for nine months... and Todd says next year... with sixty-nine dollars."

"Heh, yeah I did." Jason comments, causing young Damian Wayne to furrow his brows in annoyance.

"Hi everybody! I'm back!"

A youthful child-like voice fills the halls of the Wayne Manor followed by heavy breathing between hollers.

"Hey, sweet pea." Jason is the first to reply; picking up his darling niece into his arms and planting a kiss onto her forehead.

"Whatcha doing?" the innocent girl asks, looking down at the pile of cash with curiosity.

"Oh, it's nothing, Sparrow." Tim answers, piling the dollar bills together. "Don't worry about it, cutie."

"That's a lot of money, Uncle Tim!" Sparrow points out; blue eyes never leaving the pile of money in front of her. "That doesn't look like nothing... are you hiding something from me?"

"It's alright, it's nothing for you to worry about." the youngest Wayne insisted; bluntness laced in his voice.

"Daddy says it's not nice to keep secrets from others." the spunky child retaliates, crossing her arms and huffing shortly afterwards.

"Well, I'm guessing that daddy forgot to add that it took him seven years to tell your mom about Nightwing." Duke remarked, shooting his niece a sly grin.

"Mommy says he didn't tell her because daddy loves her and doesn't want her to get in trouble because of him!" Sparrow fumed, growling at her uncle. "Now tell me what's going on or I'm calling my parents!"

"Figures they'd teach her about manipulation by now." Tim whispers to Stephanie behind his hand.

"Sparrow, we're playing a game." Bruce says nonchalantly.

"Oh, I love games! Can I play?" the billionaire's granddaughter asks with much enthusiasm.

"It's a different kind of game, only for grown-ups." Barbara explains, walking over to her niece to cup her cheek as a sympathetic gesture.

"That's not fair... Uncle Dami is only nine years older than me and he's playing."

"Not really, mini Grayson." Damian interferes. "I'm spectating this so-called game. Besides, you need money to play."

"Sweet pea, we're playing a guessing game here." Jason adds, gesturing his free arm towards the pile of cash on the table. "You see, each of us takes a guess on when your dad will ask your mom to marry him."

"And whoever gets the most accurate guess takes the money!" Tim finishes, flashing the little girl a charming smile.

"Okay..." Sparrow replied, dragging out her words. "but how about my parents? Can they play?"

"I'm sorry, but they can't, Sparrow." Alfred answers. "They would clearly have an advantage."

"Besides, it's more fun playing the game without them anyways." Jason reasoned. "Just don't tell your mom and dad, alright?"

"Okay, Uncle Jay." the (H/C)-haired girl replied. "I won't tell mommy or daddy."

The following day, as the small blue-eyed girl returns to the Wayne Manor, Sparrow Grayson runs straight up to Damian's bedroom; crumpled dollar bills clutched in her hand.

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