Inside Out

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"Hey, (S/N), mind if I sit with you?"

As you were sitting on the ground, hidden away into a corner of the watchtower as the rest of your teammates were welcoming the new year, you looked up to find a certain boy wonder looking down at you with a warm smile.

You extended your arm towards the ground; gesturing for Robin to sit beside you.

"So... I'm sure you've already heard the news about Roy, huh?" He asked, rubbing the crook of his neck sheepishly as he tried to look at you through his domino mask.

"I feel stupid, Robin." You commented plainly, too drained of energy to elaborate. "No wonder I couldn't feel he was the Roy we all knew and loved."

"Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, (S/N)." Robin advised, resting his hand onto your shoulder. "None of us knew that Roy was a clone, but we'll find him. I'm sure-"

"You don't know him like I do, Dick." You cut him off coldly, and shifted your shoulder out from the ex-sidekick's reach. "Even though he was Speedy to a lot of you, he's more than that to me. How am I supposed to not hate myself for not following my instinct when this copycat was able to slip through us like that? All this time, we could have spent looking for him."

You slouched forwards to hold your head in your hands; covering your face and looking away from Robin. He still reached an arm out towards you and rubbed small circles onto your back with his gloved hand. Unable to find the right words to say, he simply continued to rub your back as you began to sniffle and feel your eyes fill with hot tears.

"I loved him, Robin." You cried out, looking back up to meet his mask-covered eyes. "It hurts knowing that Roy could be out there, and I didn't do anything to find him. I want to know that he's alive and okay. I want my Roy Harper back."

Dick knew this all too well; after all, he has been your best friend since the both of you started fighting crime. He was no stranger when it came to anything about you, including your relationship with Roy. In actuality, the two of you haven't established an official romantic status, but did harbour mutual feelings for one another.

You were heavily disheartened whenever you heard word of Red Arrow being involved with Cheshire. It was always a blizzard of emotions that you could never pull yourself out of; sometimes to the extent of tampering with your work performance, which Batman, Robin, and Black Canary would occasionally voice out to you. How could you cope with it, though? You thought that Roy only had eyes for you, there was no other way that the redheaded teenager worded his emotions.

So every time you felt defeated, especially towards this new Roy, Dick was there for you. He would cheer you up by small gestures of kindness; from picking up a pint of your favourite ice cream to a trip at the beach. Either way, he never failed to make you smile.

Now, the onyx-haired boy felt just as stuck as you. In his head, there was nothing more that he wanted than to hear your laugh, or even spotting the tiniest grin on your face.

With no further thought, you felt yourself get pulled into a pair of arms in a tight embrace. Robin couldn't think of any alternate way to comfort you, and he gradually became desperate to brighten your mood.

"We're on it, (Y/N)." He whispered only loud enough for you to hear, yet you managed to pick up the uncertainty in his voice. "Sure, there's nobody in here right now that has no knowledge of where Roy could be or whether he's dead or alive, but we'll look for him. We're a family, and despite his absence, he's still a part of it. We'll look for him."

As much as you wanted to remain upset, somewhere in your heart ached with the thought of your best friend's sorrow. There were simply moments where he couldn't hold all the answers, no matter how intelligent he was. The desperation in Dick's voice broke your heart, since you knew right there that he cared for you.

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