Cooking By The Book

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"What the hell you mean Dick's baking the cake!?" You shrieked into the receiver incredulously.

"Exactly what I mean, (L/N)." Damian replied; his tone indifferent as he was unfazed by your reaction. "Despite his many failed attempts, Grayson insists he bakes the cake for Helena's birthday. Believes that this would be the ultimate redemption."

"Damian." You spoke sternly. "This is the same man that almost set my microwave on fire by attempting to make instant ramen."

"Remind me how he persuaded you to be his girlfriend?"

"Very funny, Dami." You sneered while rolling your eyes; unamused. "As if being a full-time college student wasn't enough. How am I supposed to get all my assignments in on-time when I have to supervise Dick at the same time?"

"You don't have to worry about that." The stoic boy affirmed. "Grayson said he'd start as soon as he finished talking to me over the phone."

"And how long ago was that?" You inquired. Only dead air came out from your cellphone until Damian was able to respond.

"About an hour ago."

Pinching the bridge of your nose in utter frustration, you curse under your breath; not caring if your younger brother figure was able to hear.

"You tell me this now!?" You roar into the receiver; enraged. "Why didn't you call sooner!?"

"Because you were in class, idiot." He answered bluntly. "Figured it was better to inform you when you're already heading home."

"Yeah, let's hope I still have a home to get back to, Dami. You know, assuming that your dumb brother hasn't burnt our apartment to a crisp by then."

"Ironic how Grayson is portrayed as your angelic boyfriend until he does something idiotic. Then all of a sudden he's my dumb brother." Damian said apathetically.

You sigh in defeat, subconsciously knowing that there was no point arguing with the blood son. Who knows what Dick could have possibly set on fire in your absence.

"You know what, I don't have time for this. Just have the fire department on speed dial, you know our address anyways. I'll call Dick." You instructed into the receiver, running your fingers into your (H/C) hair in vague. Before you allowed the chance for the stubborn vigilante to respond, you instantly hang up on the call; rushing to dial your boyfriend.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up..." You begged in mumbles. Your feet gradually sped up its pace with the intent of making it back to your apartment quicker.

"Babe! I missed you-"

"Step away from the oven, Grayson." You threatened, cutting off your lover's chipper greeting.

"What?" Dick asked, slightly puzzled by the tone in your voice. "Oh, they told you, didn't they? It's alright, sweetheart. I was just about to preheat the oven anyways."

"Please tell me that Jason let you borrow his cookbook at least." You begged into the receiver, (E/C) eyes pleading in the positive.

"He did, actually," Dick replied. "but I want your input on something regarding the recipe. If you don't mind, of course."

Throwing caution into the wind, you reluctantly allow Dick to ask you for cooking advice. He needed all the help he could get anyways.

"Okay, so according to the recipe, I'm expected to preheat the oven to 400 degrees and let the cake bake for about an hour..."



"Oh man..." You commented, somewhat fearful.

"If I preheat the oven to 4000 degrees, would it mean that the cake would finish in ten minutes?"

He can't possibly be that dumb, can he?

"Um, Dick, I don't think-"

"Or, if I preheat to 40,000 degrees, it should finish in a minute?"

"Dick, an oven can't-"

"You're right, (Y/N). What was I thinking?"

Is he actually listening to reason? He can hear what's coming out of his mouth, right? You pondered as your shoes began to speed up on the pavement. Miraculously, you found yourself at the lobby of your apartment building. Knowing that the elevator in the building was rather slow, you resorted for the emergency stairwell. You felt the muscles in your legs pump with each step you took, beads of sweat gliding down the temples of your head.

"Helena's birthday gala is like, in a few hours! Maybe I should heat it to 400,000 so I can get it baked in a second! That should work! Right, babe?"

Oh hell no. Not today.

A booming sound emitted from your front door as you bursted inside the apartment by force, panting laboriously as your body weaken. You crouched down, placing the palms of your hands onto your knees to steady your breath.

"Richard Grayson!" You yelled. "Don't you... dare! Touch... that... oven!"

"Happy anniversary, (Y/N)!"

Unable to see the commotion in front of you, your head shot up to see your boyfriend... in a suit and tie? A glorious bouquet of roses in his hand? A charming toothy grin plastered across his face?

Most importantly, the kitchen was as clean as you left it this morning? Not on fire?

"What... the hell?" You questioned aloud, scanning your home for anything out of the ordinary. Internally, you were relieved that the only thing that appeared uncommon was your dorky lover standing in front of you.

"You really don't know what today is, sweetheart?" Dick asked, taken aback by your reaction. "It's our six-month anniversary! I guess you weren't lying when you said college was messing you up, huh?"

Upset from earlier's events, you lazily threw your backpack at Dick, which he was able to catch quickly due to your significantly drained energy.

"Not cool, Grayson. Not cool!" You snapped. "I never want to hear the words Dick's cooking ever again!"

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, I was considering cooking us a lovely dinner because you've been stressed out more often nowadays," The dressed-up gentleman explained, walking towards you after setting your bag aside. "but I figured it'd be a better call just making reservations instead. It's not for about four more hours, so you can take a nap if you want, we can still get there on time. Even if it takes you forever to get ready."

Handing the aromatic bouquet to you, Dick wrapped his arms around your waist; pulling yourself closer to him as his sapphire-blue eyes stared into yours' lovingly.

"You're so damn lucky I love you, Dick." You spoke softly, bringing your arms around his neck; returning his embrace.

"I know I am." He replied, chuckling huskily. "I love you too, (Y/N)."

Feeling each other's breaths hit your faces, the both of you brought your heads closer together to enclose the space between yourselves; kissing each other passionately.

"So... about Helena's birthday?" You asked, pulling away from your boyfriend.

"Last week. Wow, even Tim didn't have it this bad." Your lover snickered as you simply gave him an unamused look.

"Honey, for all we know, Tim hooks himself to an IV unit filled with coffee whenever we're not looking. I don't get that kind of luxury." You reasoned. "Also, thanks for making me feel guilty for missing Helena's birthday. Dick."

"There's some leftover cake in the fridge, babe."

"You're forgiven."

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