Playboy Genes II

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This is amazing news, she said. You should tell your father and your uncles, she said.

Hours away from his first official date as a teenager, Nathan Grayson was a nervous wreck. Not really out of his personal embarrassment, but rather someone else's. More than just one person, perhaps.

"This," Your son says, pointing to the group of four adult men who... Are arguing amongst each other like children. "Is why I can not tell dad or the uncles about this date, let alone anything involving my romantic life."

"Well, on the contrary, sweetie," You spoke, rubbing circles into your son's back. "When you had your first girlfriend back in kindergarten, you didn't hesitate at all to tell your dad and I."

"That's because I was five, mom." Nathan insists. "I didn't know any better. Besides, weren't you and dad, like, the only people I talked to back then?"

"Ouch, honey," You tease, putting a hand over your heart to fake being hurt. "You're going to break your mother's heart."

Nathan kept staring at your sternly; a facial expression he managed to inherit from few of his non-blood relatives. You subconsciously feared that Bruce, Jason, and Damian's grouchiness would influence your son; it was inevitable that your phobias would eventually become a reality.

"She's coming in a few hours, mom." The adolescent addressed. "I'm begging you, please make Uncle Jason, Uncle Tim, and Uncle Damian leave. I'll do the dishes for the rest of the month if I have to!"

Meanwhile, as your son continued to plead to you about banishing your in-laws, your husband carried on to engage in the heated argument with his adoptive brothers.

"The kid clearly doesn't know any better!" Jason yelled, throwing his arms up in the air in exaggeration. "Nate should've brought his girlfriend a freaking bouquet, a necklace, or something!"

"Hey, it's only his first date, give him a break!" Tim intervened, glaring at Jason accusingly. "There's no harm in starting off simple, like a café! It's casual and simple for someone who's starting to go out."

"By simple, I believe Drake meant to emphasize that it should be mundane." Damian cut in with a snide remark, to the annoyance of his older sibling. "Jonathan should have invited her to one of father's galas. The boy can be so clueless at times, but figures it's a given to anyone under the Grayson surname."

"Excuse me!" Nate's father roared, fumed with rage; which, in addition, was very unlike his character. "I didn't ask you guys to come here to belittle my parenting skills! That's my wife's job!"

"Whatever!" Jason shouted back, completely ignoring the given opportunity to humour the idea of insulting Dick further. "I still say if Nate was a real gentleman, he would've had the common sense to pick up his chick a gift."

"Like you know a thing or two about being a gentleman, Todd." Damian rebuffed nonchalantly, waving him off without much empathy.

"Dami's right." Tim concurred. "Sorry, Jay, but I refuse to take any more advice from a guy that has told me to wrap it and tap it when I started going out with Steph."

"Well, if it wasn't for me, (Y/N) wouldn't be our sister right now so both of you jerks can suck it! Unintended pregnancies are not a joke, Tim!"

"Boys..." You spoke with sincerity in your voice, hoping that your approach was enough to bring the siblings out of their whirlwind of an argument.

"That's only because (Y/N) had the common sense to see that you were a incompetent fool and ran into Grayson's arms without a second thought!"

"Hate to side against you Jay, but leave my wife out of this! If I hear one more thing about how you lost the chance to snag the love of my life, you will be kicked out of my house!"

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