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The Watchtower: July 4th, 21:16 EDT

"So, you're leaving, huh?" You ask to your longtime teammate, Dick Grayson; under the common alias of Nightwing.

Shortly after the Team and Justice League's victory against the invasion, the expense of a familiar hero's life left some of the members shattered. It was to no one's surprise that those most affected were his girlfriend Artemis, his best friend, and yourself; as you were a former partner of the ex-sidekick.

"I need a break, (S/N)." The vigilante admitted, exhaustion concealed behind his domino mask. You didn't say anything, but the concern in your facial expression told your friend that you were truly sympathetic at the unraveling of the unfortunate events that occured prior to your success.

"I assure you, there is nothing to worry about." Nightwing insisted, resting a gloved hand atop your shoulder. "You know Aqualad's leadership abilities are a valued asset to the Team. There's no need for your pretty little head to tire itself out, processing these changes and all."

You blushed faintly at Dick's subtle compliment, but brushed it off just as quickly, focussing on your current discussion.

"It's just," You spoke; taking a deep breath before continuing. "nothing's going to be the same anymore. I know change is a common aspect in life, but I don't know how much more I can persevere without losing the aster. Too many people have come and gone, and if I had to be honest, the Team just doesn't feel like my family anymore."

"I don't get it, (N/N). What are you trying to tell me?"

"I'm moving, Dick." You answered plainly. "As soon as possible, I'm going back to my hometown to live with my family. Being here will just remind me of how much I've lost, and I don't want to wait around for the unspeakable to happen. There's little point saving the world if I can't save the ones I love."

The hero's masked blue eyes narrowed at the latter of your sentence.

"Is this because of Wally?" He questioned coldly, sending a nauseous feeling to the pit of your stomach.

"Maybe... It doesn't matter, okay?" You snapped defensively, crossing your arms. "You're leaving because of Wally anyways, what difference does it make if I leave?"

"It's temporary, that's the difference. I'm not making a permanent life change just because my ex died. Oh, look! I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and despite my amazing skills, my ultimate superpower is running away from my problems whenever life throws me a curveball! Woe is me! Well guess what, darling? Life ain't always what it's cracked up to be, so stop being a coward and grow up!"

You were completely flabbergasted at your teammate's harsh words. Typically, the black-and-blue vigilante would tend to look at the bright side of things and face each conflict with a smile, or at the very least remain whelmed.

Now, he's lost his patience with you. Dick knew your flaws, but out of respect towards you, would never say such things to get under your skin. There was no more sugarcoating about it, because it'd be a rough day in hell before he'd let you walk away from the best thing that has ever happened to you.

Fighting the urge to break down in sobs, you bit your bottom lip tightly while balling your fists; feeling your fingernails slowly dig into the palms of your hands.

"I don't know what to do. I'm not stupid enough to ignore the fact that I'll resent myself if I move away, but I know for damn sure I can't be with the Team. At least not now." You admit, redirecting your gaze from Nightwing's face to the ground; your vision became blurry due to the tears that began to well up in your eyes.

You take an audible gulp of air before shutting your eyes abruptly. You feel your breath shake as you attempt to hold back your cries; your arms wrapping around your frame to keep yourself in a tight embrace.

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