Do I Know You?

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"Dick! Where the hell are you, man!?"

Dick Grayson immediately pulled his phone away from his ear after hearing his brother, Jason's, voice through the receiver.

The young man understood that he had a lot of responsibilities. He understood clearly from the early age of eight; ever since he was taken in under the guidance of Billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne. Although Dick grew up with a very adventurous and eventful childhood, the former Boy Wonder longed for the days when he could catch a break and live a mediocre lifestyle.

To put it in short, the world always wanted something from the protégé playboy, but it's not like doomsday would strike if the guy rested for a good few hours or so.

"Sorry, Jay," The bluebird vigilante replied, walking down the sidewalk of a fairly isolated street. "I really needed a breather. You understand, right?"

"Dude, trust me. I seriously would've stayed dead if I knew that I had to put up with all these commitments." Jason lamented, breathing out a deep sigh afterwards. I don't know if you have a death wish, but this is not the way to go! And I'm not speaking from experience!"

A small chuckle emitted from Dick's lips at his younger brother's humour. 

"Jason, I know what I'm doing. Please, just cover for me. I'll even do you a solid if you want!" Dick pleaded into the receiver; covering his mouth as to not attract any public attention.

After a few moments, the aggravated younger man huffed into the speaker; furrowing his brows as he pinched the bridge of his nose in strategic thought.

"Fine, maybe I'll get Alfred to help as well." Jason replied. "Remember, you owe me, Grayson."

Although his brother could not see it, Dick smiled brightly in glee towards the response he just heard.

"Thanks, Jay! I promise-"

In mid-sentence, Dick instantly took notice to the sound of dead air as Jason suddenly hung up his phone on his older brother. Even if it was a bit disheartening, it wasn't enough to obstruct the Romanian's optimism entirely.

Casually slipping his phone back into the front pocket of his jeans, Dick continued with his stroll to no particular destination whatsoever.

That is, until he hear one of those familiar feminine squeals.

"Is that Dick Grayson!?"

Knowing all too well about what events were foreshadowed by that very scream, the socialist playboy took that yell to his advantage; by running as far away as he could from the block.

Unfortunately, for a brief moment, Dick lost his footing as he was trying to slip away from public view. After a millisecond of looking past his shoulder to scope for any of his fans, the blue-eyed gentleman fleetingly lost the view in front of him; causing him to collide to a female pedestrian, both people crash-landed onto the concrete ground.

Acting fully on instinct, Dick instantly helped the fallen woman back up on her feet; brushing her shoulders clean before waving her off as he proceeded to sprint off yet again.

"Hey, watch where you're going, idiot!"

The aggressive tone instantly retracted the shocked celebrity's attention, leading Dick to turn back to the young lady he accidentally bumped into. From her grumpy facial expression, he could tell that his actions of recklessness evidently upset the civilian.

Does she know who I am? Dick questioned to himself in thought. Typically, she would have been grateful of the fact that she crashed into me. What gives?

"Forgive me if I come off as rude, Miss," The now-patient man spoke back in a calmed tone. "but do you know who I am?"

"From the sound of that tone, it sounds like a narcissist social media influencer to me." She answered, clearly unimpressed. "So unless if you're a distant relative or an old friend of mine, I don't have the slightest clue who you are."

"Oh?" Dick asked, dumbfounded.

She sounds rather serious, He pondered in thought. so I guess she really doesn't know who I am.  I guess the least I could do is apologize to her, I was the one that knocked her down anyways.

"W-Well, then. I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier, I should've seen where I was going." Dick apologized, staring sheepishly back at the woman he knocked over. However, the latter seemed indifferent in expression. Confused, the playboy brought out his hand in front of her; gesturing to introduce himself.

"The name's Dick, Dick Grayson. You are?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You replied. "So you're one of Bruce Wayne's sons, right? I've heard of you before."

"Then, shouldn't you have recognized me?" The young man asked; furrowing his brows, perplexed. You merely giggled in response to Dick's obliviousness.

"Guess again, Officer. Take a good look at my eyes and put those detective skills to use."

The policeman then squinted his electric-blue eyes as he directed his gaze straight into your eyes; stroking his chin in a cliché manner as he analyzed your appearance in deep thought.

As he took in the feature of your eyes, he noticed a faint (E/C) tint within your irises. However, the eye colour appeared to be obstructed by a strong, cloudy white shade. It was as if your eyes looked as if it had a milked glaze that surpassed your sclera and into your cornea.

At last, it all clicked together in Dick's mind; much to his satisfaction.

"You're blind!" He explained rather triumphantly; although the context of his dialect had an opposing effect.

Nonetheless, it caused you to nod while smiling. Few chuckles faintly emitted from your closed mouth; savouring the irony instead of retreating in shame.

"Bingo." You replied in amusement.

"Now, don't take this in the wrong way," Dick spoke, throwing caution to the wind. "but how come you have no one to accompany you? Not even a service dog or a white cane? How do you even manage?"

"Well, since I can only infer that you have never met much people like myself, I'll forgive you for all those assumptions. Anyways, I rarely need any company these days. It's not really a matter of preference, but more of a descending need for dependance. I don't know, figured when you're born blind, you adapt and work with what you got, I guess."

Fascinated by your diligence, the playboy was quite entranced by your fearlessness. It was a trait that very seldom is portrayed in the civilians of Gotham, let alone his home city in Blüdhaven.

"That's pretty amazing." Dick complimented with a modest grin.

"Why? Because I'm blind?" You asked back dismissively.

"No!" His blue eyes boggled and held his hands up in a defensive stance. "There just aren't a lot of people that are truly brave as you are, regardless of sight. I find your courage and perseverance admirable."

"Oh." You commented; blushing a faint scarlet at the black-haired man's flattery.

I guess his charisma isn't skin-deep as I thought it would be. You thought. The colour on your cheeks began to redden more as you began to feel the heat rise within them. Instinctively, you held a hand to your chest to steady your increasing heartbeat.

"T-Thanks, Dick." You speak, trying your best to get the words out of your mouth. "Usually, people would find me more pitiful at first, but you're different. I don't know how to put it, but it's like I have finally met someone that views me the way I view myself. You know, metaphorically speaking."

You smirked at your own joke, causing a husky chuckle from Dick.

"You know, (Y/N), this has been quite the insightful conversation." The playboy pointed out, smugly. "I'd like to get to know you better, sweetheart."

"Are you asking me on a date, Grayson?"

"It can be whatever you want it to be," Dick answered, grabbing onto your hand and walking alongside you as you continued to stroll down the sidewalk. "We can start with coffee. My treat."

Damn, he's smooth.

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