I Don't Wanna Live Forever

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Another sleepless night, another meaningless day.

Dick Grayson found himself gradually falling into insomnia as he struggled to gained the shortest amount of sleep his body would allow him to take. Yet, by sunrise, he finds himself in the same position as he was when he hopped into his bed the night before; tossing and turning underneath his covers while keeping his eyelids tightly shut.

The more he chanted in his head, begging himself to fall asleep, irritated him to no end.

Some nights, when the woeful raven-haired man understood that his chances of a good night's sleep was scarce, he would stay up the whole time; going through his cellphone. Sometimes, he'd look at the affectionate texts you'd send to one another, and sometimes he'd reminisce on the photos the both of you took on your dates.

Sometimes, he'd think about calling you. Dick would spend the night staring into the dim light of his phone with the dial on display. He hoped that one night, you'd come around and call him like you typically did in your past relationship together.

He wished you wanted him back the way he wanted to take you back.

You were the love of his life; without you, there was no point for Dick to move on with his life. Not if you're no longer a part of it.

The thing was, you did all you could in your power to make Dick happy. You aspired that you were all he needed for him to feel complete, but you came to terms with the fact that your lover wasn't always going to be at your beck and call whenever you needed him. He was an unpredictable individual, and it simply wasn't you desired from a relationship. You wanted stability, and it's as clear as day that Dick cannot be the one to satisfy those needs.

So you left him. No further words needed to be explained. The both of you knew why your relationship couldn't work, and the electric blue-eyed vigilante was quite vocal about his crime-fighting activities. You walked out, and moved on with your life.

At least, that's what you wanted to believe.

Soon after your separation, you packed your belongings and moved out of Dick's apartment in Blüdhaven. You became a resident in your best friend's condo while you took your time to find a better-paying job and saved enough money to buy a place of your own.

Until you met someone else.

He wasn't Dick Grayson, but that's the fact that made you comfortable enough to stay with him. Your new boyfriend was a honest-working civilian. No superhero business, no nefarious villains to have you keep an eye open at night. You were finally at peace with the standard lifestyle you initially intended to share between Dick and yourself.

Unfortunately, there was still something missing.

There was a frequent occurrence of nights where you stared straight up at the ceiling; (E/C) eyes wide open as you remained motionless in your boyfriend's arms. Something wasn't right here. You felt safe, but there was something about this new chapter in your life that was off-track.

You loved Dick, but did you love your current partner? Was the will for stability so crucial that it was worth the casualty of losing the man you loved most in this topsy-turvy world?

Some nights when Dick would go out on patrol as Nightwing, he'd check up on you from time to time. As much as he tried to persuade Alfred and Batman that it was only for your safety, it didn't take much for them to note your hidden agenda.

He needed to see you, desperately. The vigilante's heart ached at the sight of you in another man's arms. Those arms were supposed to be his; the only pair of warm, muscular arms that were meant to hold you belonged to Dick. However, what threw the hero off most, was the content smile plastered across your face. He knew you finally found someone that gave you what you wanted, and even though he was grateful to see you in that blissful state, Dick wished deep down that he was the one to bring you that happiness.

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