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"Honey, I'm home!"

Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, ironically greeted as soon as he walked into your shared apartment. You merely gruntled in response; the entirety of your attention absorbed by the small laptop screen as you continued tapping on the keyboard in frustration.

"Whoa, (Y/N)..." The ink-haired man commented as he took in your aggravated state. "are you okay?"

"Fine, Dick." You answered a bit harshly; clearly failing at your ill-attempted moment to not come off as abrasive.

"You sure, babe? The louder I hear those keys, the more I fear that they're gonna cave-"

"I said I'm fine, Dick!" You snapped, fully turning your head and torso from your seat to make sure your partner heard you loud and clear. However, you immediately regretted that motion as soon as you noticed his instant flinch and startled ocean blue eyes.

You closed your eyes, drew in a deep sigh, and exhaled as you sat up from your workstation; walking toward your lover in remorse.

"Dick... I'm sorry." You apologized; your tone more soft and sincere this time around. "I... work's been really having my ass lately... so I have to get these articles in by midnight. It already sucks that we don't get to spend enough time together at home because of Nightwing and all... but suddenly the Gotham Gazette doesn't have enough staff to write some goddamn articles! Like, seriously?!"

At this point, your boyfriend noticed that your voice began to sound shaky and your body language was more frantic and unstable than he's ever seen of you before. Dick may have been your boyfriend long enough to know when to or not to be concerned, but there was no number of Lucky Charms boxes in the world that could distract him from his disturbing concern for you.

Your breathing grew heavier and heavier as you continued your rant, until you have been caught off guard; immediately silenced.

By your boyfriend's lips against yours'.

Without any further thought, your eyelids drifted shut as your shoulders relax and you moan deeply from your nose into the kiss. It was just filled with so much passion, that it made you lose sense of all your surroundings, all your prodding thoughts.

Nonetheless, the pair of your broke away from one another in order for you to recollect your breaths.

"Dick... what-"

"Don't speak, love." He ordered in a husky tone. "Let me take care of you tonight, okay? You just need a little break."

In the latter sentence of his response, your lover lightly caressed your upper arms; trailing down to your waist, gripping the small of your back. In turn, you smiled into the kiss.

Subconsciously, you lift your own feet off the ground, keeping your arms wrapped around the handsome man's neck as support, so you could wrap your own legs around Dick's body. Mainly because you've started to grow a heating sensation in your lower regions and you desperately wanted to feel something, his member specifically, against you.

At this sudden action, Dick's eyes flickered wide open; causing him to pull away from you.

"Babe, what are you-"

"You haven't fucked me in a couple of weeks or so." You replied breathlessly. "Having to write about your Herculean fighting skills doesn't exactly do wonders for my sexual frustrations."

Upon hearing your explanation, your boyfriend's eyes become half-lidded; giving you a suggestive smirk before he speaks.

"Herculean fighting skills, huh?" He teases.

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now