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Mr. Grayson, one of Gotham Academy's well-reputable teachers, was a rare delight that graced the crime-ridden city. A ray of sunshine in a community that has only known and grown accustomed to the gloom and darkness of grade-A felons and the low-life thugs they hire for personal security. As traumatizing as Gotham was put out to be, the teacher with the golden personality was a breath of fresh air for the kids, and by extent, a glimpse of a more normal childhood.

Dick had always found pleasure in the students he taught, especially the more younger pupils. Naturally, they were more enthusiastic and open in comparison to the older children, which made the sky-eyed man's job quite enjoyable. Because of how compassionate and genuinely caring their teacher was, the students of Gotham Academy developed strong feelings of respect for Mr. Grayson.

It was hard to accept that with such an appealing personality and handsome looks, Dick Grayson was still a bachelor; for he had never found the right person start a family, let alone settle down with. However, it wasn't like it was on the top of his to-do list. Dick loved his job, and he already has his adoptive father, brothers, and sisters to see from time to time.

Much like the new kid in school, cold feet would be the bare minimum to explain how you were feeling towards having a location transfer, starting your job from scratch; again. It was already enough to start anew; new places, new faces, the whole shebang. Yet, to have a job transfer to Gotham City? Might as well update your last Will before you were set to leave your hometown and move forward with your career.

Luckily enough, before diving in to teach at Gotham Academy, your superior had sent you an email to notify you that a teacher, soon-to-be your colleague, had generously offered to show you around the campus as a warm welcome into the school.

Now, you could only hope that this Mr. Grayson wasn't a pathetic middle-aged creep that was hoping to score with the fresh meat that just moved out to Gotham. Fingers crossed.

Promptly after exiting your car, you stand along the side of the school; eyes darting back and forth between the time that shone on your phone and the almost-empty area that is the staff parking lot. You tap your foot against the ground, occasionally humming bits of the songs that have been on loop in your head for the past week.

"G'morning! Your name's (Y/N) (L/N), right?"

Oh, shit! you thought, your eyes flickered a little wide at the sight of him. He's hot!

"Yeah," you answer calmly, mentally patting yourself on the back for concealing your already-growing inappropriate thoughts towards your co-worker. "Richard Grayson, I presume?"

"I go by Dick, actually," he says, putting his hand out for you to take. "but feel free to address me however you like, if it makes you comfortable."

Of course, people would call him that. Makes sense, but not really helping my imagination right now. you reply in thought, shaking his hand nonetheless.

"Sure thing, thanks Dick."

"Let's get you all settled in, 'kay?"

You only give him an affirming nod and hum in response.

"... and here in this hall, we have classrooms for the more younger students." Dick elaborates, gesturing towards the empty space that is another hallway. "I teach the first-graders, so my room is right here."

As your polite co-worker points towards his classroom door, you note that the number embedded onto the door is fairly close to the number which you were situated to.

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now