It's Her

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"What do you mean It's over, Kory?"

Two of your current friends, Dick Grayson and Kory Anders, are casually eating breakfast on opposite sides of the dining table inside the latter's condo. After quite the number of weeks that the Tamaranian attempted to remain oblivious to no avail, Kory had finally built up the courage to let her boyfriend know how she truly felt of their relationship.

"I believe I said exactly what I needed to say, Dick." The fiery redhead spoke without hesitation, leaving the raven-haired man baffled.

"Kory, I love you." Dick croaked out; misery strained his voice as his skin began to feel pale. "Please don't do this. I promise I'll do my best to be better. We can work through this together, just tell me what's wrong."

Silence filled throughout the room for a couple of moments before Dick pleaded once more, in weak whispers. The vigilante reached across the table to grab ahold of Kory's small terracotta hands into his own big, rougher ones.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about this." She answered, trying her best to compose herself. Unfortunately for Kory, her boyfriend knew her very well, and concealing her emotions was nothing new to him.

"At least tell me why. I don't want to spend the rest of my life pondering what I would've done if I knew exactly what caused us to fall apart." With tears brimmed in the corners of his sky-blue eyes, Dick stared straight into his partner's emerald eyes; begging for a response.

"You love (Y/N), Dick."

Dick was bewildered at Kory's accusation. He just told her he loved her, why in the world would his distressed girlfriend come to such conclusions; especially if it regarded their very dear friend.

"Sure I love (Y/N)," He said. "She's our best friend. I don't see why she would have anything to do with our relationship."

The metahuman flinched immediately at Dick's words. She knew he could be clueless, just not to this extent. Kory sympathized with him.

"No, not like that." She corrected, shaking her head in rejection. "You're in love with (Y/N). You love her the way I love you. In the way where someone would never have to make excuses. In the way that means forever."

"K-Kory, that's not-"

"It is, Dick." Kory insisted. "You may not see it yet, but you love her."

"You know I'll always choose you, Kory." Dick spoke in a rather bold tone. "Name a time where I didn't."

"I can name plenty." The galactic princess reassured. "Shall we start with the gala from our first year together?"

Never in a million years would you ever believe that you would be invited to one of Bruce Wayne's famous social gatherings. It was no surprise that curiosity urged you to come, as it was always the talk of the town. Although he had already invited his plus-one, your best friend, Dick Grayson was miraculously able to squeeze you into the guest list.

As much as you adored wearing your glamorous (F/C) cocktail dress and sparkling stilettos, there was only one goal you had in mind for tonight's festivities: make your move on Roy Harper.

Unfortunately for you, the Star City civilian was unable to attend the gala, already crushing your dreams within five minutes of attending. Even though Jason and Tim were there to help make light of your situation, a voice in the back of your head wouldn't stop pestering at you about Roy's absence.

To make matters worse, you were left in the sidelines while all the other couples were able to swarm the ballroom floor; Bruce and Selina, Dick and Kory, Jason and Artemis, Tim and Stephanie, even Damian offered Cass a dance out of chivalry.

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