Off Limits

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"Hot wings... we... we better... stop..." you muttered in-between kisses.

"It's okay... sweetheart..." your black-and-blue boyfriend replied between smooches as well. "just... five minutes... more..."

"Dick... really... they're... gonna be here... soon... enough..."

Yet, it was no use. Your handsome lover only took this as a sign to deepen your kisses; leading his gloved hands to secure their grip onto your waist and moaning more audibly against your mouth. The sound was like a melody to your ears, as if Dick's moans serenaded you into becoming putty in his hands.

Though the both of you were still fully-clothed, you subconsciously ground your hips against the vigilante's; to which he immediately responded by bucking his concealed hard-on against you.

At this point, you might as well sink into the couch, hoping that two people in particular would never spot you in this position.


Damn it! the pair of you thought simutaneously at the sound of the zeta-tubes being used.

In an instant, you roughly pulled yourself away from your boyfriend; sitting on the opposite side of the sofa. Dick immediately sat up, hastily grabbed the remote, and turned on the plasma-screened television by a few impatient clicks.

It wasn't long until a certain speedster made his way to the couch, filling up the space between yourself and your leader. Coming back from whatever mission he was previously assigned, didn't even seem to hide the fact that it really tired out Wally; prompting your brother to stretch his arms and allow them to rest on the back edge of the sofa.

Of course, you were dating your older brother's quite attractive best friend... but, it was only one half of the reason why you had to keep your relationship under wraps.

"I know you probably expected us to come back sooner, but Wally wanted to make a pit stop on the way back."

You turned your head to meet that familiar voice. The voice of your best friend. Who, ironically, just so happens to be none other than the most recent boy wonder; Jason Todd, your boyfriend's legal younger brother.

"Hey, two burgers for two dollars is a pretty tempting offer!" Wally retaliated. "And, with the economy we're living in today, it's pretty much a steal!"

A snicker escapes Nightwing's lips after your brother's reply.

"Didn't take you as the type to know economics, Wall." He interfered with a snide remark, giving his best friend a sly grin.

You giggled at the leader's comment, which didn't fail to make Dick's heart flutter, causing his cheeks to redden up a bit. Nevertheless, he didn't lose his composure; or as he likes to call it, staying whelmed.

"Well sorry, mister not-all-of-us-can-attend-a-highly-funded-preparatory-school," the redhead snapped at Nightwing, right before turning to you. "and you! Stop giggling, trying to look all cute in front of him!"

"Unless if (Y/N) has a crush on Nightwing." Robin said bluntly, more focussed onto whatever show was on the television.

Your (E/C) eyes widen in slight fear, your head whipped around to stare at the boy wonder, right before turning around once more to face your speedster of a brother.

"That's ridiculous, dude! (Y/N) knows better than to fall for someone like Dick."

"Whoa, now hold on," Nightwing cut in, clearly concerned by Wally's comment. "what do you mean by 'someone like me'?"

"No offense man, but you are kind of a dog." Wally responded. Though there was minor hesitation in his tone, he still felt the need to be honest; especially in the best interests of his adoptive younger sister. "Like come on, I'm pretty sure all of us know that my sister's smart enough to be wasting any spare time flirting with you."

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