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"So... did we just break up?" you ask. Your voice trembled as the hot, salty tears brimmed the corners of your eyes; threatening to stream down your face at any second.

Though he hesitated once he opened his mouth, he forced himself to get the words out, anyways.

"Yes. Yes we did."

That very night was subconsciously marked as the worst night of Dick Grayson's entire life; perhaps not as close to the death of his parents, but it was pretty damn close.

It took only less than a week for him to regret his decision. However, he knew that things between the two of you have grown so problematic; the kind that would render a relationship weakened to the core. As much as he loved you, he knew all too well that the longer you guys were together, the more hostile you would become to one another.

After almost one full month of sulking post-breakup, Dick swallowed his pride and affirmed himself that he would get you back. That was... before he bumped into you at Brenda's Café a few days later.

"Hey, (N/N)!" you hear your ex-boyfriend wave to you, seconds after you walked into the joint. That charming smile that graced his handsome face still made him stand out in any room, and you returned the acrobat's greeting by shooting him a warm smile and a subtle wave back. You walk towards the raven-haired man to take a seat at his table, sitting across from him.

"Hi yourself, Dick." you say, chuckling afterwards. "Still a sight for sore eyes, I see."

"Better believe it, sweetheart." he shot back, grinning confidently.

The next few minutes was more pleasant than the previous encounter you have shared with him. It was refreshing, and it relieved the both of you very much; since your relationship seemed to end on a sour note, it didn't live up to how much the pair of you had really felt for each other.

Once Dick was certain that it was the right moment to ask you out and give your relationship another chance, you spoke up.

"Oh, my date's here!"

What? his heart instantly panged at your words.

As you pointed out the man that just entered the café, he smiles and waves at you; leading you to eagerly return the gesture. Dick saw a glimmer in your eyes, the same spark in his electric-blue eyes when he saw you for the very first time. He was deeply threatened by it, but forced himself to remain composed; more for your sake than his own.

"Well Dick, it's been nice catching up with you again." you say, standing up from your seat. "I'll see you around?"

"O-Of course, (Y/N). Great s-seeing you again, too." he stammers a bit, getting up from his seat as well. He spreads his muscular arms to invite you in for a hug, which you gladly accept.

While your smaller arms wrap around his well-built frame for the first time in a while, the blue-eyed man savours having his ex-lover in his embrace; subtly inhaling the scent from your hair, reminiscing on every curve of your body and how it seems to fit so well being pressed against his own, as if the two of you were a pair of perfect puzzle pieces.

I miss you, beautiful. he confesses in thought. Take care.

Following that single encounter, Dick eventually accepted the setback, being that it was the first time the two of you had crossed paths after your breakup. He tried to focus on the bright side, persuading himself that there wasn't much chance for your date to have the potential to be something more in your life. Besides, you only said he was a date, right?

Oh, if Dick could only know ahead of time, how tragically wrong he was going to become.

From days that passed into weeks, then into months, and now years, you and Dick haven't come into contact with each other. Though the two of you have stayed on good terms since you last parted, there wasn't really a right opportunity that encouraged either of you to meet again.

Until, out of the blue, a certain sophistically-designed envelope had made its way into the acrobat's hands. The foreshadowing of his deepest nightmare brought to life.

You are cordially invited to the union of (Y/N) (L/N)...

By the letter heading alone, it was enough to suck all the air from Dick's lungs, and have a dagger plunged straight to his heart.

The guy that Dick had spent the last couple of years convincing himself not to worry about, was the same man that had asked for your hand in marriage. Something serious had come of him and yourself after all, severely crushing the hope that Dick had for your former relationship.

Yet, despite being heavily heartbroken, it didn't stop him from placing an RSVP in the wedding invitation.

When the big day had finally arrived, words couldn't describe the admiration that strengthened, yet pained Dick as he watched you walk down the aisle, appearing more breathtaking than he's ever imagined you to look on your wedding day. However, what didn't match from his fantasies was that the presumed person of your dreams, whom you were marrying, unfortunately, wasn't him.

Simply put, attending the wedding was a bittersweet experience for Dick Grayson. Though he clearly understood that the choice to continue loving you was fighting a losing battle, for one night, he would be willing to hold you in his arms if it meant even for a mere second, he could pretend you were his.

The irritating sensation of isolation constantly haunted Dick to no end; perhaps it may have started the night his parents were murdered, then continued as he grew resentment towards Bruce before branching out as Nightwing, or when Barbara had cheated on him with his adoptive father, and when he begun to feel replaced once Jason Todd took on the mantle of the Boy Wonder, which worsened once word of his death came out and clearly led him to berate himself for taking his younger brother for granted.

But, in spite of all those incidents, none of them had ever made Dick feel as strongly as the moment he allowed you to walk out from your relationship. Because what the both of you shared, was the best thing to have ever come of his life. The one part of his life he was proud to call perfect, and he recklessly let himself ruin it.

There hasn't been a single day that has gone by since the end of your relationship that Dick hasn't carried the blame. What if he hesitated a little longer? What if he answered your question differently? What if he put a little more effort to talk things through?

Now, many years later, Dick now finds himself standing by your deathbed. Even with your elderly appearance, the retired vigilante's heart still yearns with affection for you, given that he never really stopped.

After living a fairly fulfilling life, you were ready to accept death and peacefully passed in your sleep. Your ex-partner is unable to admit his ceaseless love towards you, and now he never will.

Dick Grayson had always loved falling, but this was a drop that he desperately wanted to be saved from.

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