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"Sunshine, hold on!"

After momentarily taking in the view of the city before retreating to your home, you turn your head to spot a familiar black-and-blue vigilante; slightly panting as he tried to catch up with you.

"What's up, wingding?" You ask, giving your partner a playful smirk.

"I... got... something for... you!" He answers; audibly breathing between his words. Nightwing has his hand behind his slouched back while the other holds on to his escrima sticks. "Man... you sure are... fast!"

"Okay, whatcha got for me, then?" You question, letting out a small giggle afterwards.

In turn, Nightwing reveals the hand that was formerly held behind his back; a single yellow rose in his tight, gloved grip.

"For you." He says, giving you a charming, toothy smile.

"Wingding..." You speak remorsefully.

"Look, I know you told me you weren't interested in me, and that there's some other jerk you have your eye on..." The hero mutters the latter of his sentence, to which you give him an amused look. "but I want you to know that, no matter what, I'll always have your back. I did a little bit of research beforehand, and apparently yellow roses symbolize friendship. So, I got you this rose in honour of our dynamic duo."

"Wow... Nightwing... Thank you so much for the rose. You're always going to be the perfect partner to me."

You take the rose into your hand, twirling the stem between your fingertips. After a while, you felt the warm touch of his gloved hand against your cheek; causing you to look up at your raven-haired partner.

"I... just hope this guy realizes how special you really are. I do care about you, Flamebird."

If only he knew, huh.

The following day, you had to return to your school at Gotham University; even though you would much rather be at home. Yet, a fully-covered tuition from your billionaire mentor doesn't exactly pay off itself.

That, and a certain cerulean-eyed young man that just so happens to be your best friend and your longtime crush.

"Hey, (N/N)! You alright? Kind of blanked out there."

Coming back down to earth, you try your best to conceal your blush as you avoid making eye contact with the handsome man.

"H-Hi, Dick!" You reply, your voice unsteady. "I-I'm alright. You k-know the usual, piling schoolwork, sleazy part-time job, and all that."

"Ah, I see. Um... Bruce is throwing another charity gala tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus-one?"

Your (E/C) widen in surprise as your cheeks are now flushed crimson red. Of course you wanted to go to the gala with Dick... but, after countless years of hopelessly pining over your best friend, you had to put your foot down. It was clear that the playboy spared no romantic pursuit over you, and it was time for you to move forth with your love life. Besides, it'd be an absolute miracle if you were his first choice, anyways.

"Kory and Babs weren't free for the night?" You questioned in a somewhat harsh tone while raising a brow in suspicion.

"Wait... what?"

"I'm sorry Dick, but I'm actually going to the gala with someone else tonight. Bruce already gave me an invitation and I extended my invite to Roy as my plus-one. Anyways, I assumed that you had a date to bring, you've always had someone to bring."

"Oh..." He comments dejectedly, staring down at the ground to avert your gaze. "Yeah, there was this other girl I've had my eye on for a while, but-"

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now