Contingency Date Night

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"Good evening Miss, I'll be your waitress for tonight. Would you like to take your order now?"

Wow. Late again. You thought internally. It has been several minutes since you walked into the burger joint for one of the many 'make-up dates' your asshole of a boyfriend insisted on. No surprise there.

"I'm actually waiting for my boyfriend." You reply. "He's running a little late but he should be coming in any moment now."

The waitress politely nodded and walked away.

Minutes passed and your boyfriend still hasn't shown up. You resorted to open your phone and text him to check if he's on his way. Or if he even left his house.

hey honey, you on your way yet?

if you'll be here soon, do you want me to order for you?


"Hi Miss, are you ready to place your order?" The waitress approached you again; holding a small notepad in one hand, and a clicked open her pen in the other.

"I'm so sorry," You spoke apologetically. "I'm trying to get to contact my boyfriend. He still hasn't shown up yet and isn't texting me back."

"Of course." She answers, giving you a comforting smile before she departs once more.

After countless texts and calls, it was inevitable for you to assume the worst. How could the guy you thought you loved could make you feel in such a negative way. The relationship you shared with your boyfriend wasn't even this bad, it only started out in minor inconveniences.

Now all you wanted to do was get out. Not just out from the relationship, but out of this diner. The atmosphere of this vintage burger joint suffocated you with waves of embarrassment; you may not scope your surroundings directly, but you could feel the sympathetic stares burning holes into your skull. You never hated a moment as much as this.

That's it. You thought sternly. If he doesn't show up in the next minute, there is no reason for him to stay. I told him that this was his last shot, and it'll be officially over if he blows me off once again.

I'm keeping my damn word this time.

To no one's surprise, that 'final' minute escalated into an hour and your boyfriend hasn't even bothered to shoot you a single call or test message.

All of a sudden, a clinging sound could be heard around the front of the establishment. It was the bell that was hung over the door; and although you were discouraged that the entering customer wasn't your douchebag partner, you found the young Romanian-looking man rather handsome.

The gentleman appeared to be five-foot ten, had silky looking jet-black locks styled into a quiff, sapphire-blue eyes, a jawline sharper than the Joker's knives, and an extremely muscular build. He only wore a black bomber jacket, a white v-neck tee, denim-blue jeans, and a standard pair of worn out sneakers.

He immediately took a seat onto the waiting area. You didn't pull your eyes away until his eyes found their way to you; your irises fixated on each other's for a millesecond.

Your heart began to race a bit; you haven't felt this kind of adrenaline in your relationship for a long time now. It was as if the spark died down, and you were afraid to admit it until now.

"Miss? Miss!"

You jolted a bit in your seat as soon as the server's voice brought you back down to Earth. You chuckled sheepishly, tucked a strand of your (H/C) hair behind an ear as you looked up to answer her.

"I'm sorry Miss, but you have been occupying this booth for around an hour and a half now. If you cannot place an order, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave-"

"There you are!"

Your attention, as well as the waitress' was brought towards the same dashing fellow that walked into the diner not too long ago. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked towards you with a warm smile.

"I am so sorry, babe." He apologized quite loudly, taking both of your small hands into his much bigger ones. "Traffic has been crazy."

Right after bringing his face close to peck your cheek, he whispered into your ear.

"Hi, I'm Dick. Just go with it, alright? Whoever stood you up must be a real jerk." He spoke in the most comforting tone.

"I'll have my usual, ma'am," Dick speaks to the server. "And anything the lovely lady's craving. Feel free to put it on my tab."

As Dick walks off with the waitress to pay for your meal, you take a look at the other customers in the burger joint. Turns out, the people instantly turned away once your eyes met theirs; but this time, the customers looked happier. They either chatted gleefully with their companions, or continued to eat with content looks plastered on their faces.

Your unexpected knight in shining armour just saved your butt from an evening of embarrassment. You couldn't be any more relieved.

Even though you planned to eat as quickly as possible as to not burden your hero any further, Dick was always able to start up an interesting conversation with you. Instead of being in and out in fifteen minutes, the both of you laughed and talked until closing hours. He was very charismatic, and very cute. You never wanted the night to end.

To put it simply, it was the best non-date you have ever been on.

However, as they say about all good things, the 'date' had to be brought to an end. You already felt guilty that you allowed Dick to pay for your whole meal, but he insisted to drive you home in his midnight-blue convertible. Something about the cool nighttime breeze as the two of you cruised in the quiet highway brought you a new kind of bliss. You felt liberated.

"This your place?" Dick asked, opening your car door for you to exit.

"Yes." You answered, a faint blush made its way to your cheeks in appreciation for the subtle gesture. You step out of the vehicle, and rummage in your purse for your house keys.

As you finally unlock the door, you turn back to the raven-haired gentleman waiting patiently for you to get inside. You approach him, and lightly kiss his chiseled cheek.

"Thank you so much, Dick." You spoke in a soft voice. "I know this wasn't exactly how you planned to spend your night, but you saved me back there."

Before you could completely turn yourself to the open door, your hero grabbed onto your free hand.

"I had a great time too, (Y/N)." Dick confessed. "I know you were seeing someone else, but if you change your mind..."

He chuckled nervously at an attempt to break the tension before he asked his question.

"Would you like to go out with me? For real this time?"

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