Something Blue

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"Thanks again for coming on such short notice, you truly are a lifesaver."

Artemis Crock, one of your dear friends and the fiancé of your boyfriend's best friend, pulled you towards her to wrap her arms around your frame in a tight embrace.

As if she hadn't had enough stress from making sure her special day was picture-perfect, the strong-willed blonde was struck with a sudden, yet unfortunate last-minute situation. Her sister, Jade Nguyen, is unable to attend the wedding for confidential reasons:

Thus, causing Artemis to lose her maid of honour.

Seeing as being the best friend to the bride for many years prior, and already being invited to the event as a bridesmaid, it was a no-brainer that the panicked woman in white would reach out to you for help. What kind of friend would you be if you refused?

To further stabilize the problem, Jade was also absent to the rehearsals; leading you to take her place during all these occasions. You knew what to do, and Artemis could not be any more relieved.

Meanwhile, your boyfriend and the groom, Dick Grayson and Wally West respectively, were inside another room getting ready for the ceremony as well.

"Man, this is unreal." Wally commented, pacing back and forth in the room in a feeble attempt to calm himself down.

"Dude, you gotta stay whelmed." His best friend replied. "You're going to burn a hole into the carpet if you don't chill. The budget can't cover that."

Even though he knew Dick meant well, Wally simply stared back at his chuckling best man, unamused.

"Okay, I can take a hint." The black-haired young man added, bringing his hands up in defence. "I might not get why this is so nerve-wracking for you. I mean sure, it's one of the biggest days of your life, but at least focus on the fact that you're marrying the person you've always wanted to share your life with!"

The redheaded groom let out a sigh of relief, giving in to Dick's words. Wally had a twister of many emotions stirring up inside him at this very moment, but he should only be worrying about the love of his life. His spitfire.

"Besides, just because Jade can't make it doesn't mean the show can't go on! I bet Artemis can find a replacement before the wedding starts!"

Instantly catching on to what his best man pointed out, he apprehensively grabbed ahold of the collar of Dick's dress shirt.

"Jade can't what now!?"

Whoops. Dick cursed in his thoughts.

Moments later, the ceremony finally took place. As you and Dick stood alongside the soon-to-be newlyweds, neither of you paid much attention to the officiant as the both of you were lost in each other's eyes.

No matter how badly you wanted to stay down to earth for your best friends' special day, you and your boyfriend could only think of each other; it was as if you fell in love all over again.

Even though you were busy swooning over how handsome your playboy lover looked in his suit and tie, Dick was pondering about much more than how beautiful you appeared to be in your bridesmaid's dress.

"Dick, you can't be serious!" Wally exclaimed, looking at the small velvet-covered box in his best friend's hand. Astonishment filled the redhead's eyes as he covered his agape mouth with his calloused hands.

Letting out a soft chuckle, the blue-eyed best man opened the box to reveal a small gold band with a round-cut diamond embedded in the center of the ring.

"Honey, I'm flattered." The groom spoke. "I'm sorry but I'm not running away with you. I'm getting married! Plus, hate to break it to you, but Artemis is way hotter than you."

"No, stupid!" Dick retaliated. "Not to you, it's for (Y/N)!"

"You are not proposing to her today. Not on my day." The envious green-eyed man threatened.

"Of course not, Walls! However, I do plan to pop the big question one day. Don't know when, but all I care about is spending the rest of my life with this woman."

"Wow, man..." Wally commented, now at a loss for words.

"What?" Your much concerned boyfriend asked, as he felt on-edge at the tone of his best friend's voice.

"Dude, it's just unbelievable that's all." He answered. "You were always set on doing whatever it took to keep the whole vigilante gig. Dick, you were so cautious about who you chose to let into your life, even Babs and Kory walked out and it's like you couldn't care less. What happened?"

After a short period of silence, the jet-black haired man spoke up.

"I fell in love. Isn't that enough?"

"Of course, but how does that make (Y/N) different from the girls you've been with in the past? Didn't you love them too?"

"You know I loved them Wall. When I'm with her, I feel free; like I've had the weight of the world on my shoulders for so long. Everyone wants something from me, everyone except her,

But there is nothing I wouldn't do for (Y/N). If she ever asked me to drop Nightwing, I'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant I can make her happy."

"So this is really it, huh?" Wally asked for reassurance. "You're proposing to her, Dick?"


When I do, it will be a day I am never going to forget. The sapphire-eyed vigilante thought in absolute certainty as he fiddled with the velvet box in his pocket; refusing to leave his lovestruck high as he continued to stare at you while the bride and groom exchanged their "I do's".

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