Shower Duets

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After yet another long, uneventful day at your shift in Brenda's Café, you returned back to your apartment to take a long-awaited shower. As you grumbled while trying to dig through your purse for the keys to your home, a tiny smile managed to sneak upon your face as you were reminded of a peculiar stranger that, although with an unknown identity, succeeds in brightening your day.

Even though you have only moved into Blüdhaven a little less than a year ago and haven't made much friends neither, you always felt a comforting presence whenever you took a shower. Not only because the running hot water was soothing, nor it be the sensation of feeling cleansed, but because there was someone on the opposite side of the ceramic-tiled wall that was always eager to join during your impromptu singing sessions in the bathroom.

Yes, as weird as it sounded, your next-door neighbour shares the common habit of singing in the shower; much like yourself.

It all started around the end of your first week in the city, you had finally finished unpacking all your belongings and were in great need of a shower. After humming to the tune of Britney Spears' ... Baby One More Time, the hums eventually turned into mumbles, then later became fully-vocalized singing.

"Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know..." You sang, dragging the soaped-up loofah along your bare arm.

"Oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go..." Your eyes suddenly widen at the unexpected masculine voice that you heard come from the bathroom wall.

Taking a few seconds to process the voice that clearly didn't belong to you, you reluctantly continued singing anyways.

"I must confess... that my loneliness... is killing me now~"

"Don't you know, I still believe!" A smile crept up to your face at the contagious enthusiasm.

"That you will be here!"

"And give me a sign~"

"Hit me baby one more time!" The pair of you belted out simultaneously. From that point onwards, you sang to your heart's content until the song's conclusion; which followed by reciprocated laughter.

Even if you couldn't put a face to that voice, you could only assume that this man has got to be quite the looker. You couldn't name much unattractive-looking guys that had an incredibly smooth baritone. Then again, looks aren't everything.

It didn't stop you from making small guesses from time to time.

Sometimes you'd get the timing just right, and both of you would conveniently hop into the showers at the same time. Yet, in some days, he was more busy than you were. Your greatest annoyance would be the instances where the grown man would accidentally wake you up at four in the morning and break out ABBA in the shower.

"Friday night, and the lights are low~ Looking out for a place to go~"

Clamming your eyelids shut, you shifted in your bed once more; knowing that it was definitely too early to wake up for your morning shift. You grumbled as your jaw clenched while grinding your teeth. Turning away, your back to the bedroom door, you roughly grabbed the soft pillow from beneath your head and buried your entire head into the sheets.

If you had a nickel for every time you had to bear your reckless neighbour bellow out ABBA in the shower, let alone Dancing Queen, you wouldn't be putting up with a simple barista's career and living in this middle-class condo.

"Anybody could be that guy~"

"Ugh!" You groaned loudly, hastily sitting up onto your bed. You rubbed your eyes, then buried your face into the palm of your hands; knowing that there was no stopping the anonymous man.

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