Oh, Brother

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"Wait, could you repeat that for me, man?"

"I... have a crush... on (Y/N)?"

Dick Grayson was immediately met with fits of boisterous laughter from his brother, Jason Todd. Despite the circumstances leading up to this very moment, Dick truly did not expect this sort of reaction from the best friend of his crush. He wasn't hurt, but the blue-eyed young man thought that his younger sibling would be the least empathetic towards him.

Emphasis on least.

"Seriously, Jay?" Dick asked, opposed to Jason's current state.

"Alright, alright." Jason spoke, holding onto his stomach to gain control of his breathing once more. "So, you're really not joking about digging on (Y/N)?"

"Of course not!" The elder brother insisted, bewildered. "Look, I know it's hard to trust (N/N) with me, with my past relationships and all. She's different, Jay."

"Yeah, obviously, she's different." Jason concurred. "This means that if you break her heart, I break something of yours. Severely."

Even though it was quite often that the younger Wayne brother would exhibit such aggressive behaviour, Dick's eyes still widened in fear and took in an audible gulp to Jason's threat. In the back of his head, Dick knew that at moments like this it was crucial to take his sibling's words seriously; especially because he understood what kind of person you were and what you meant to not just him, but to Jason as well.

Nonetheless, the lovestruck vigilante regained his confidence and stared into Jason's stormy blue eyes with absolute assertion.

"Look, I know you have your doubts about me, Jason." Dick spoke sternly. "My past relationships  haven't proved to be promising..."

"Clearly." Jason interrupted in a harsh tone.

"I can promise you that (Y/N) is more than just a short-lived relationship to me." Dick reassured, placing a hand onto Jason's shoulder. However, the latter batboy remained unconvinced as he raised an eyebrow in further suspicion towards his elder brother. Taking note of this, Dick sighed in exhaustion; but was nevertheless determined to ensure that he only had the best intentions for you.

"I'm not going to force her to go out with me or be my girlfriend, but I truly feel that there's something special between (N/N) and I. All I'm asking from you is a chance to at least try to win her heart, and if she can't reciprocate my feelings, I'd rather be content knowing that she can still be happy; even if that guy isn't me."

After a moment of silence passes between the two brothers, Jason reluctantly gives in to Dick's pleas and gives him a single nod; refusing to break eye contact with him.

"You have a week, Grayson. It's more than you deserve, but I guess I can make an exception since I know you're not a complete asshole."

It didn't take long for Jason to be met with a bone-crushing hug from his big brother; causing poor Jay to temporarily lose his breath.

The following days, Dick had made sure to be kept under your sight. From your perspective, you found it rather unusual for your best friend's brother to be around you in such a consistent manner. You did always find the former boy wonder to be somewhat of an annoyance, much like your close friend; but if he was willing to spend that much time around you, it was evident that Dick did have an ulterior motive.

Which begged the question: What did Dick Grayson possibly want from you?

By the end of the week, your tolerance had reached its limit and you could no longer take any more of Dick's strange activities. Unfortunately, on the day that you finally chose to confront the young man, he was surprisingly nowhere to be seen.

Under the fact you assumed would be a phase, you decide to shrug it off and continue with your day. Although it was tradition for you and Jason to make a daily trip to the library around every weekend, you were thrown off even farther when you received a text message from your best friend; excusing himself from accompanying you this week.

Now something fishy really must be happening if even Jaybird had to call off one of your infamous bookworm dates. Of course, there was only one suspect to blame for this.

Once you had reached the library, you kept an eye out for a particular vigilante that hasn't left your side throughout the week. Luckily for you, those stealth tips from Jason really came in handy as you lead the elder Wayne across the library towards a secluded corner of the building; entrapping him so there were no civilians that could witness you pinning Dick's wrists against the wall.

"Listen Grayson," You spoke in a hushed tone, looking Dick dead in his eyes. "You have been nothing but a pain in my ass all week, never leaving my side. Even when Jason won't come with me to the library. The fucking library, you still manage to follow me like some creep. What the hell has been going on with you, Dick?!"

Knowing that you shared a similar impulse control to Jason, Dick tried his best not to take your brutal words to heart. Sadly, his affections towards you were stronger than his better judgement; leading the sapphire-eyed man to tear up, his lips quivered in minor fear.

However, unlike your best friend, you had a good ability to instantly detect your faults. Letting out a deep sigh after your heated rant, you swiftly let go of Dick's wrists and wrapped your arms around his torso in a tight embrace; burying your face into his chest in shame.

"I'm so sorry, Dick." You muttered into his chest. As you began to pull away from your hug, Dick brought his arms around your waist; keeping you in place. Even if you still found his behaviour a bit of an unorthodox, you remained guilty about the way you treated your friend. "It was shitty of me to treat you like that, when you have been taking care of Jay and I for so many years now. This week just felt kind of off because both of you distanced yourselves from me. I was afraid I did something wrong."

Bowing your head in embarrassment, Dick brought a hand towards your face; lifting your chin to look back up at him.

"It's alright, (Y/N)." Dick replied, smiling at you as if your outburst never happened. "If anything, I owe you an apology for what's been going on this past week. Please believe me when I say that there's nothing wrong. I was just being stupid."

"What?" You asked, more confused than ever. Your face contorted into a puzzled look, which Dick had to admit made you appear cute, but he brushed the thought aside during this moment.

"The reason why I've been following you around, (N/N), is because I wanted to get to know you better. Before you give me some snide remark about how much of an idiot I was having to do all that when I could just talk to you straightforwardly, I originally intended to give you a surprise that was worthy of your attention."

You quirked an eyebrow, still not receiving the hints that Dick was giving you.

"I have a crush on you, (Y/N). I've liked you for some time now and although we both know that being in a committed relationship isn't one of my specialties, I wanted to do whatever I could to win your heart. This may not be the Nicholas Sparks-esque moment that you've longed for, but I hope that at the very least, I'm lucky enough that you'd give this dorky playboy a chance."

After you took a few seconds to process what Dick had just told you, a light snicker escaped from your lips. You turned away to continue giggling; much to Dick's perplexity.

"Wait, did I say something wrong?"He asked, a bit frazzled by your reaction.

"No, I'm just surprised that you actually put in that much effort to impress me." You said, amused. "You really are something, Grayson."

"So... Is that a yes?"Dick questioned; internally eager for your acceptance.

"Of course, you goofball!" You answered in a whisper, keeping in mind about your surroundings. "You may be a playboy, but I do trust you. In my books, it's more than enough for me."

Feeling a rush of adrenaline flow through his body, Dick scooped your smaller frame into his muscular arms and twirled you around in his state of glee. There were simply not enough words to describe how happy you make him.

This is certainly one of those moments.

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