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Although crimes in Gotham have been ridiculously restless for as long as you could remember, this particular day has been strangely neutral. There was no news broadcast with connection to crime of any sort, nor was there any new threat notified from the Batcave.

Which brings your boyfriend, along with his three brothers and father relaxing in the living room of the Wayne Manor. All of you were pre-occupied with electronic devices; you and Dick were watching a Netflix movie on your phone, Jason was browsing through social media on his, Tim was doing who-knows-what on his laptop, and young Damian was indulging in a mobile game on his tablet. As for Bruce Wayne, his attention was absorbed by the television; it appeared as if he was rather desperate for an unfortunate event to take place.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Damian spoke, calling you. "If you're finished with the charger, may I use it after you? My battery percentage is quite low."

"Sure!" You replied right away, pausing your movie to check the battery life on your phone. "It's actually ninety-seven percent, so I don't see the harm in lending it to you right now."

"Babe, maybe we should just wait until it's fully charged." Dick intervened, bringing the plugged phone towards him. "Besides, what's a few minutes going to do?"

"Actually Damian, what's your battery at right now?" Tim asked, his eyes still glued to the laptop's screen. "Mine's at six percent, I could really use it right now."

You turn your head from the intellectual to the blood-son. Damian was quiet for a while before he answered.

"I just got the twenty-percent warning. Why didn't you ask for the charger if your battery is so low?"

"I wanted to wait until (Y/N) and Dick were finished. Like (Y/N) said, her phone's almost fully charged." Tim answered.

"Or just pass it to me," Jason intejected. "I'm the second oldest, so shouldn't I get the charger after Dick and (Y/N)?"

"How low are you, Jason?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Doesn't matter." He responded nonchalantly. You nodded respectively, then turned your head to rest on Dick's warm chest to continue watching your movie. However, you immediately lunged at Jason afterwards in an attempt to reach for his phone. He used his rough hand to block your face while holding his mobile device in the air.

Which resulted in Damian snatching Jason's phone from his grip to look at his phone.

"Ridiculous." Damian commented. "Your phone's at sixty-nine percent, you don't need the charger at all."

After a husky-sounding chuckle had escaped Jason's lips, he had only one word to say:


You rolled your eyes at Jason's immaturity, while Dick was engulfed with rage.

"You're not getting the damn charger, Todd!" Your boyfriend roared.

"Like you need it, Dick." The more abrasive former Robin seethed through his teeth. Sure, you understood that your boyfriend's nickname was pretty unorthodox in modern days, but you and him knew whether it was being addressed in an appropriate or degrading way. Right now, it was certainly the latter.

The mocking tone of Jason's voice definitely made Dick's blood boil; you could tell from the angry glow in his electric blue eyes, and the way he clenched his fists, knuckles turning white.

"Just pass the charger to me, (Y/N)!" Tim pleaded. "I promise I'll pass it to Damian as soon as it's halfway full."

"Hell no." Damian complained coldly. You were a bit surprised at the kid's language, although empathized since he was raised by the League of Assassins. There were darker things the boy's been put through. "My iPad would be dead for sure by the time Tim's done! Anyways, I asked first, and if I get the charger, it'll be charged faster than Tim's MacBook."

"What about me?! I'm only about a quarter from having it fully charged!" Jason whined.

"Your phone's not dying, Jay!" You shouted in frustration.

From there, all hell broke loose.

"Okay, okay." Dick panted, combing his fingers through his raven-colored hair. "How about this? Since (Y/N)'s phone is pretty much charged, we give it to Tim until his laptop is decent, then Damian, and if Jason actually needs the charger at that point, we give it to him."

You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter at Dick's leadership. The way he took initiative was one of the many traits about him that cause you to fall in love with him in the first place.


You were instantly pulled out of your thoughts and you followed the boys' motion of looking at Bruce standing up from the recliner. He turned the TV off and was making his way out of the living room.

"Bruce, are you alright?" Tim asked.

"I'm fine, Tim." The billionaire playboy answered in his deep, gravelly voice. "Riddler's robbing a bank downtown."

"Need any help?" You questioned.

"It's alright, (Y/N)." Bruce replied. "You guys seem rather... Occupied at the moment. If you are all done with the charger, could you do me a favor and plug it in my phone?"

"Of course, Bruce." Dick answered sincerely. "What's your percentage?"

"It's dead." The stoic man said. "All of you were sucked in your devices, I didn't want to intervene. Just charge my phone when you're all finished, okay?"

Bruce then left the room without another word to be said. An awkward prescence soon took his place, as you all stared at the ground; averting each other's gazes. To say you were shamed was a mere understatement. It was beyond disappointing that each of you were being selfish over an issue so petty that neither of you even considered involving Bruce's opinion. The only guy that was thoughtful enough to let you use the charger because he consistently prioritizes others above himself.

Meanwhile in downtown Gotham, Bruce, as Batman, takes a scoping position atop a building ledge in front of the bank where Riddler's robbery is taking place.

It wasn't soon until the rest of his protegé caught up to accompany the vigilante; yourself included.

"Nightwing, what are you all doing here?" Batman asked, still imperturbable.

"Your phone's connected to the charger. We needed to ditch the devices anyways." Nightwing replied with a small grin on his face.

After the small exchange, all of you swooped down to take on Riddler and his goons. Well, nearly all of you.

Nightwing planted a quick smooch on your cheek, causing your cheeks to blush in a rosy-red tint.

"Thanks for talking us out of our petty fight, (S/N)." Nightwing spoke.

"Well, I learned from the best." You said, looking at the first-generation vigilante below the two of you. "He gave me my boyfriend as a bonus."

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