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After another tiresome day, you rummage through your purse to hastily search for the keys to your apartment. It was evident from an outsider's perspective that you wanted nothing more to be left alone.

Once you have unlocked the front door to your humble abode, you aimlessly toss your keys onto the kitchen table along with a single red rose that you have been carrying all the way from your workplace. It was one thing to have inconvenient co-workers, but the shameless flirting and affectionate treatment from a particular officer was progressively driving you to madness.

It all started when your superiors had arranged a location transfer from Gotham to Blüdhaven and if anything, you took it to be an insult as most of the renowned criminals bestow their felons throughout the city; to be inevitably defeated by none other than the Dark Knight. You couldn't help but persuade yourself to believe that Batman does well enough without much assistance from law enforcement.

Within your first week of being in your new job, the misogamy could be easily sensed in the atmosphere as you did your best to focus on the tasks that were given to you while ignoring all the repulsive and sexist remarks your so-called co-workers shot your way. As much as you loathed pardoning the grotesque behaviours of your the pigs you worked alongside with, it took many years to be where you were today, and it could only get better from there.

"Whoa there, darling. That's quite a load of work you got there, maybe you need a big strong man to help out with all those files."

"Okay, you might've come from Gotham, but in the BPD, we don't have a lot of heroes like Batman for you to slack off."

"Maybe you should just stick to serving cups o'joe from here on out, alright honey?"

"Just let the big guys handle this, (L/N)."

To make matters worse, the one guy from your workplace that managed to irk you off the most, stood tall at five feet and ten inches, pushed back jet-black hair, and blue eyes that shone like diamonds.

In summary, he is the only handsome cop that Blüdhaven had to offer, and the only co-worker that genuinely cared for your well being.

"Good morning, (Y/N)! Looking extra beautiful today, I see?"

"Great job on the recent case, partner! I guess hard work really does pay off, huh?"

"Even though these bozos sure talk a big game, we both know that these goofs have left the safety on their guns at numerous crime scenes."

"Off the clock already? Damn, time really does fly by. Take care, sunshine!"

You knew his type. You knew his type well. Dick Grayson may be charismatic at a first glance, but you were quick to conclude that it was only a matter of minutes of sparing your attention that he had already lost interest in you.

Not saying that every guy you've dated before had the same personality as the policeman, but you were almost completely certain that each of your former significant others were a variation of Dick.

In retrospect, you found the pattern exhausting. It always started with a nice guy act:

"Crap!" You exclaimed as some of the loose papers from the pile of folders you carried in your arms began to slip from your grip, one by one. Tightening your hold onto the files, you crouched down to the ground to grab back those sheets; scrambling frantically.

"Hey, let me help you with that, (Y/N)." A polite masculine voice spoke in your direction. You take a quick second to look back up at the man speaking to you, then simply huffed as your (E/C) eyes darted back to the floor to continue cleaning your mess. It didn't take long until Dick followed and picked up a few of the fallen sheets until there was none left.

Dick Grayson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now