For Granted

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"Dick, please don't leave!" You pleaded out, hot tears threatening to come out your (E/C) eyes as you tugged on your boyfriend's arm. He reacted harshly by yanking his arm out from your grasp, continuing to head out the door.

"(Y/N), you know I have to do this!" Dick roared, leaving you miserable and frightened. "It's my duty to protect the people of Blüdhaven! Of all people, I thought you would understand!"

"I do!" You yelled, feeling just as irritated as the black and blue vigilante that stood across from you. "I just can't take this anymore! If you're not out on patrol as Nightwing, you're Officer Grayson! Then when you're not arresting people, Alfred or Bruce call you to fight bad guys downtown!"

You breathe shakily after your heated rant. Finally allowing the tears to stream down your face, you turn your head away from your masked lover.

"I feel like we're falling apart, Richard." You admit. You continue to speak as your hand reaches out to hold his. "We've rescheduled this appointment too many times now. I don't have any issues with Nightwing or Officer Grayson, but I miss my boyfriend. If he could come back for one day-"

"I can't do that, (Y/N)." Dick replies coldly as he pushes your hand away. "I need to leave now. I can't give those criminals the opportunity to wreak havoc while I'm wasting my breath here arguing with you!"

You felt your heartstrings snap at Dick's words. As you take in what your so-called boyfriend said, you feel a wave of rage overcome you as your eyebrows furrowed and your frown intensifies. Letting your emotions control you, storming over to Dick, you hastily shove him out of your apartment.

"Then leave." You retaliate with as little emotion as you could. Before you allowed Dick the chance to respond, you slam the door shut.


After minutes of uncontrollable sobbing, you cleaned yourself up in your washroom. Splashing cold water onto your face, you take notice of your bloodshot eyes and your stuffy red nose. Even though you stopped crying, it did not distract you from thinking that your relationship with Dick isn't as much of a priority compared to his vigilante and civillian careers.

You held yourself together as you stared into the mirror with an assuring expression on your face. With as much perseverance as you could muster, you grab your coat and purse and leave your comfy apartment. You have an appointment to attend to, and you weren't willing to set it back any longer.


Walking into the interrogation room of the Blüdhaven Police Department, Nightwing sits down across an Oswald Cobblepot. Despite the Penguin's arrogant smirk, the masked vigilante was in no mood for beating around the bush, especially since his earlier discusssion with his girlfriend left a sour taste in his mouth.

"What's the matter, bird-brat?" Penguin asked smugly. "No sly remarks for today?"

"What's your deal, Cobblepot?" Nightwing snapped back, unfazed by his enemy's snide comment. "Already in the slammer for one day, and you've got another scheme in the works?"

"I could spill the beans, kid, but where's the fun in that?"

Amidst the villain's husky cackling, Nightwing roughly grabbed Penguin by the collar in annoyance.

"Tell me what the hell you're planning before I do something we'll both regret."


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