Strip Search | NSFW

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Your blindfold was roughly pulled out from your face. As you regained your sight, you noticed that you were laying on the bed without wearing any piece of clothing. You could feel the cool air on your bare skin. Shivers went down your spine once you realised that each of your limbs were handcuffed to the legs of the bed frame, forcing you into a promiscuous position. You tried to steady your breath, but your arousal caused your womanhood to moisten. You needed something down there, and you needed it fast.

"Struggling is useless." A male voice commented sternly. Standing across the bedroom from you was someone you assumed to be an officer, as he is wearing a uniform depicting the profession. Your eyes were immediately drawn to the name tag that read 'GRAYSON'. "Felons like you need to be served with justice, so as of this moment, you do as I say. Got it!?"

You took an audible gulp and felt yourself quiver even more at the demanding sound of the officer's voice. You nodded in response, unable to speak.

Walking towards you; the onyx-haired officer dragged a fingertip from your ankle, tracing it up to your sideboob. He abruptly grabbed your naked breast and squeezed it as he whispered into your ear.

"I'm going to need you to speak up, sweetheart." He treatened in a sultry whisper.

As of now, you were currently failing to steady your breath as you tried to cooperate with the officer's orders.

"Y-Yes sir." You answered weakly.

The officer's facial expression shown dissatisfaction. In return, he stuck two of his calloused fingers deep into your wet pussy.

"What was that?" He asked, more aggresively this time around.

"Yes officer!" You moaned out loudly, bucking your hips into the air in pleasure, and hoping that his fingers would be forced in deeper.

"Good. You may address me as Officer Grayson. I have been ordered by my superiors to conduct a strip search on you. I'm going to need you to comply to these terms, any form of resistance will be heavily punished. Do I make myself clear?"

As if he answered your prayers, Officer Grayson plunged his fingers deeper into your core, curling them to hit your g-spot. You moaned even louder in ecstacy.

"Yes, Officer Grayson!" You yelled, despite you knowing that the walls were fairly thin. Your pleasure clouded the majority of your better judgement.

"Good girl." He commented with a smug grin, using his free hand to stroke the side of your face. You continue to buck your hips in a rhythmatic pattern, pleading for more in groans.

"I'm going to have to inspect your vagina for any contraband. Is that alright, Miss?" Officer Grayson asked. He took his drenched fingers out of your soaking pussy, and used them to pinch and twist your erect nipples.

You nodded before speaking back: "Y-Yes Officer."

Your lower lips felt as if they puckered up to the sound of your consent. However, you weren't ashamed at the slightest.

Once you gave the raven-haired man in blue your permission, he instantly dove down to your breasts to suck the juices off your perked buds. As if you couldn't expect your cunt to get any more wet, you felt your juices slide down from your folds onto your ass as well as dripping onto the bed sheets.

"For a criminal scum, you taste fucking delicious." He commented with husky breaths.

Oh shit. You thought as your mind was clouded with ecstacy. If he doesn't put his cock in me right now I'm going to fucking lose it! Fuck, I need to release. Fast.

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