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Faintly hearing the sounds of small birds chirping from outside the window, one of your eyelids fluttered open; exposing your iris to be blasted with rays of sunlight. Right as you get blinded from the morning sunshine, you rub your eyes in slight annoyance as you groan and turn away from the window. Regaining your eyesight, bringing your hands away from your face; you are met with a romanian young man with a jawline that could kill, unruly black locks of hair, and hazy eyes blue enough to shine like diamonds.

"Morning, beautiful." He greeted in a husky whisper.

You reacted by letting out a soft chuckle, covering your mouth with your hand as you did so. "Isn't that supposed to be the one of the pet names you reserved for your girlfriend?"

"Ouch," He replied with a mocking pout on his face. "I know we're on a no-strings-attached basis, but what gentleman would I be if I were to deny the very gorgeous woman in front of me?"

"Dick," You called, shaking your head and giving an amused smirk. "No gentleman would bring himself into an affair in the first place."


With that, you shifted on the bed once more to face the bright, radiating window. Looking for any garment of clothing to appear decent, you finally find your white tank top and underwear, put them on and stood up from bed, walking towards the washroom.

Immediately after you splash some cold water on your face, you look up to your reflection in the mirror; those (E/C) eyes expressing much guilt, your messy (H/C)-haired bedhead portraying your hideous infidelity. No matter how many times you tried to call it quits, throw in the towel, you couldn't let him go.

And neither could he.

Even though you were engaged to another, he had an amazing girlfriend of his own, not one of you felt complete unless you had each other. It was never meant to be this way, it was all ignited from lust and the scattered emotions of a one-night stand. The both of you should've stopped there, but you nor Dick wanted to. Now look where that led you.

You were brought out of your own thoughts when you hear a small knock on the white-tinted, wooden door.

"(Y/N)? Are you all right in there, baby?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine, Dick. Really." You answered, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks as they flushed into a shade of pink.

After you've cleaned up, you come back to the bedroom and spot... no mess. The room was as clean and tidy as when the both of you entered it the night prior. Not a single trace of adultery could be found in its appearance or the atmosphere. Speaking of the air, a light scent of roasted coffee wafted through the vents of the bedroom and found its way into your nose, breathing it in.

Placing the last of your personal belonings into your dufflebag, you walk towards the kitchen of the suite, only to find your partner in crime casually leaning his back against the counter, sipping from a mug near a kettle on a stovetop, which you could assume was the reason for the scent of caffieine that made its way around the hotel room.

"Dick, we only paid for a sex shack, not room service." You said apathetically.

The smile that was once beaming across Dick's face slightly faltered at the sound of your words. Although you took notice of his reaction, your attitude remained the same. What did it matter to him anyways? You two came here for one reason, and that has always been your deal for the past couple of years.

"(Y/N), are you sure you're okay?" The raven-haried man asked with much concern in his voice. "You have been acting a bit on edge since you got out of bed."

Your facial features began to soften at Dick's worried voice. Rather than attempting to harden your heart and compress your emotions, you felt your chest rapidly becoming heavier with remorse. The typical butterflies that swarmed in your stomach every moment you saw Dick were now replaced with feelings of illness in your gut.

Usually, your affair would never hold such an effect on you. All it took to forget your sins were a simple shower to cleanse away your betrayal. Why is this time any different from the others?

"Dick, he proposed to me." You answered flatly.

The handsome vigilante's blue eyes widened in shock to your response. Bringing a hand to his head, Dick combed his fingers through his hair; his eyes darting across the room, speechless.

"Oh... Congrats, sweetheart. He's a lucky guy."

You two shared a small moment of silence afterwards, desperately searching for words to say as you were completely dumbfounded at his reaction.

"That's it? Congrats, sweetheart?" You seethed through your teeth, clearly upset at the shirtless man in front of you.

Dick then rested his mug on the ceramic counter, walking towards you in slight frustration.

"What the hell do want me to say, (Y/N)?! I'm not exactly in a position where I can interfere with your personal relations!"

"That's the damn problem, Grayson!" You yelled furiously. "We've been doing nothing but sleeping together behind closed doors for the past two years! I'm pretty sure we're way past interfering with each other's personal relations at this point!"

By the look on Dick's face, it was more than clear that he was taken back by your harsh, yet honest words. The reality of your situation constantly pierced Dick's heart like thorns; beating with affection and torment with each secluded rendezvous.

"Are you suggesting we-"

"I love you, Richard Grayson," You interrupted without hesitation. "But my heart can no longer be burdened to this immorality. I also love him, and I love Babs. If there's one thing you and I can agree on, it's the fact that none of them deserve to be hurt, especially by us. So let's do it; if not for our sake, then for theirs'."

Barbara Gordon. Aside from Dick, she was your lifelong best friend and the one you were most sympathetic towards. Although her relationship with Dick was more of an on-again off-again status, you knew that they both loved each other deeply. Babs and Dick were two of your most trusted companions, so their bond made perfect sense in your head. Dick's optimism and generosity complimented the breathtaking red-head's intellegence and loyalty.

Loyalty. The one thing that the Commissioner's daughter would always have leverage over you. How could you possibly be a good wife, girlfriend, or friend by the never-ending defiance to the one man that you're engaged to? He ain't no billionaire bachelor, but he was still a good fellow, and you were selfish enough to string an innocent man along with false hopes and empty promises.

"(Y/N), I'm not going to argue with you-"

"Then don't." You said bluntly.

"Please don't leave." Dick pleaded, tears brimming his eyes. "I need you."

"You need me. But you love Barbara. That should speak volumes to where our relationship stands."

"No, beautiful, that's not what I mean!"

"Then what do you mean, Grayson!?" You retaliated. "Enlighten me! Give me one good reason why should I stay!?"

Please say you love me. You subconsciously begged. Say that you can't stand the thought of seeing me wed to another man. Say that I'm yours, that I will always be yours. We can find a way to beat the odds! Just... Please don't let me go, Dick.

The moment Dick opened his mouth, hesitation struck him, and he found himself absolutely speechless to reply.

Even with no words said, Dick's pause was loud enough of an answer for you. In an instant, you shut your eyes and ran past him; pushing him aside in a rush to grab your dufflebag and leave the suite as fast as you can.

Despite Dick calling out your name and the loud slam of the door as you departed, all you could hear was your heart aching as it pounded from adrenaline, and the taunting voices of rejection in your mind.

How foolish to think he would fight for you.

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