When I Get You Alone

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"Morning, beautiful! Dare I say, you're a sight for sore eyes, as per usual!"

You merely rolled your eyes as you let a small snicker slip from your lips in response to one of Dick Grayson's many flirtatious greetings he's been shooting your way.

"Smooth, Dork Grayson." you remarked, giving your friend a bemused smile. "How long did it take you to come up with that one? No, really, the creativity really came through there."

"Come on, baby. When are you going to stop playing hard to get and see that I'm not playing games here?" Dick asks, a semi-hurt look spread across his face as he brought his arms to wrap around your waist; gently pulling you towards him.

"Sorry, hot wings," you say as you carefully take ahold of the vigilante's wrists and remove his arms from the small of your back. "It's just not going to happen. I don't know what else to say to convince you otherwise."


"Dick. No." you cut him off, shaking your head before turning to head out in the opposite direction; leaving a once-again defeated former boy wonder.

"I don't get what I'm doing wrong, Zee!" Dick whined, burying his head against the café table to conceal his embarrassment. "I've done everything I could, pulled out every single trick in the book, and she's still not interested! Am I missing something? Is (Y/N) seeing someone and no one has told me? I wouldn't be offended if she wasn't straight either."

Zatanna was baffled by his ex-boyfriend's rant, feeling bad towards his current situation, yet was all the more empathetic from your perspective. It wasn't like the whole world was blind to Dick's romantic reputation in the first place, so she could totally see where you'd feel the need to be a bit skeptic.

"Dick... do you want me to try to have a chat with (Y/N)?" she proposed, but with minor uncertainty in her voice. "Maybe she just needs a little more perspective. I can even call in Babs... or Raquel too, but I don't know if she'll be good to come out tonight."

"Yeah... because what better way to get someone to date you than having all my exes gang up on the girl I'm in love with." the raven-haired man muttered in a sardonic tone, evidently unimpressed with the mage's suggestion.

"Lighten up, boy wonder! Don't forget that (Y/N)'s best friends with us, at least I can guarantee that she'd be willing to hear you out."

After some time for consideration, Dick huffs; knowing that he's at the end of his rope here. He'd be willing to do anything to get to you.

"Alright, alright. This better be some set-up."

"Please, you of all people should know I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve."

Later that evening, you agreed to a last-minute hangout with Barbara and Zatanna at a casual bar. You didn't really have much excuses to not leave your home, neither you were opposed at all to the idea of drinking with your close friends.

It took some rounds before you were loose enough to confide with the heroines without putting on a filter. As soon as you let those walls down, Zatanna seized the opportunity to subtly interrogate you.

"So, (Y/N)..." the ink-haired woman spoke, trying to maintain her innocent demeanour. "word on the street is that a certain birdie can't keep his eyes off you."

"Dork Grayson?" you ask, smirking. "Don't worry, I know what you're gonna say. I'm keeping him at arm's length as we speak."

"Um, actually... babe," Barbara speaks up, throwing caution to the wind. "that's not exactly what Zee nor I had in mind here..."

"What?" you hiccuped upon asking.

"What Babs and I are suggesting is..." the mage says wearily. "is that it wouldn't hurt to go out with Di-"

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