Nightwing and Officer Grayson | NSFW

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"Working hard or hardly working, officer?"

You walk into the bedroom wearing a rather provocative version of a policeman's uniform; the top buttons of your baby-blue dress shirt were left undone revealing a generous amount of cleavage, a short navy-coloured box pleated skirt that did very little to conceal your black-laced panties, donning your golden badge onto the left side of your chest as it continued to gleam in the dim lighting of the room.

Tipping your cap in response to the greeting of the vigilante across the bedroom, you give Nightwing a coy grin, already having some promiscuous ideas in mind. Although he was hiding behind his black domino mask, you could tell that the hero had similar intentions.

"Quality over quantity, Nightwing." You reply. "However, I can't expect rogues like yourself to understand."

"Baby, I still have my morals." The man in black and blue spoke back with a hint of sultry in his voice; gradually inching closer to you. "I'd say it makes for honest work, more honest than the corrupt system you constantly suck up to."

"Oh, so the wise guy's preaching to me about ethics now?" You spit out, feeling the atmosphere grow more and more hot by the minute. "Would the know-it-all like to educate me, then?"

Now with his face dangerously close to yours, Nightwing slightly tilts your chin up with his spandex-cladded finger; letting out a husky breath into your ear before whispering into it.

"Sweetheart, you're going to drop that badge and uniform by the time I'm done with you."

Taking away his hand from your chin, the lusting vigilante brings his hand to cup the small of your back, while using his free hand to trail his fingers from your thighs up close to your heated core. You were left to ponder in fascination as to how the onyx-haired man was able to have you dripping without much physical contact already.

"N-Nightwing-" You breathe out, your mind clouded in ecstasy.

"My, Officer," Nightwing spoke with a devious smirk plastered across his face. "I hope you're not going speechless on me now. I need that pretty voice to scream out my name as I fuck you senseless."

From that moment onward, the hero took his hand away from your waist to graze his fingertips against your clothed breasts. Despite the rising temperature in your body, your nipples instantly hardened underneath your shirt due to the cool air and Nightwing's light touch meeting your covered buds.

"What now, Officer?" The vigilante asked into your ear once more, slightly pushing open your top further to completely reveal your breast and pinching your nub. "Nothing in the dress code about bras? Or were you already expecting me, darling?"

Although you wanted to remain prideful, you nodded in agreement towards the latter. Even if common sense told you that impressing a hero was out of your agenda, you hoped in your subconscious that you could catch Nightwing's attention at least.

"Shit, you're sexy as hell." He muttered under his breath, eyeing your figure. "What the hell am I going to do with you, Officer Grayson?"

"Nuh-uh, birdie," You manage to speak out, breathlessly. "I'm the one with authority here. If anything, we're playing by my rules. Got it?"

At the latter of your comeback, you fought through your lust-filled haze and lightly stroked the vigilante's spandex-covered member; already erect and throbbing for your touch. In response, Nightwing inhaled sharply through his teeth in a feeble attempt to compose himself; although you already knew that he was slowly becoming putty in your hands.

"So maybe this cop isn't all talk after all," The hero muttered out; staring out from his mask into your gleaming (E/C) eyes.

With that said, a gloved finger abruptly entered inside your soaking core without any given warning.

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