Holy Smokes!

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Dick Grayson liked a party as much as the next guy, just like any young adult would. However, not every young adult has the workload that the poor officer had. There wasn't a doubt in Dick's mind that he would much rather be on his couch in his comfy apartment binging on some Tim Burton movies instead of standing idly by the front door of some douchey frat boy's halloween party, continuously scanning the ground floor for suspicious activity. He would even trade-in for a patrol shift as his vigilante alias than to be around these drunkards.

Shockingly, there was one reason that convinced the former Boy Wonder to stay. One reason that dismissed the rest of his remaining options.

"Lovely evening, ain't it officer?" You call from behind the blue man, unknowingly causing him to grin from ear to ear.

"Much better now that you're..." He quickly replies, turning to face you. Suddenly, Dick was silenced dead in his tracks once he really caught sight of you. "whoa."

Your best friend was scanning you from top to bottom in your halloween costume: a black cowl that fit snug framing your face, a polyester cape to match, along with a purple jumpsuit that hugged your curves, accessorized with a yellow bat-shaped emblem embedded on your chest and a utility belt in the same colour. It didn't take much brain power to figure out who you were trying to look like for the night.

From the looks of it, your costume was a show-stopper. More specifically, a jaw-dropper.

You giggled from the view of Dick's astonishment, concealing your lipstick-painted mouth behind your black leather-gloved hand. Taking note of this, he abruptly shook his head back to reality; clearing his throat before chuckling nervously.

"Thanks, Dick." You say, giving your friend a fond smile for his unintended compliment.

"N-No problem, (Y/N)." Dick stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. "E-Enjoy the p-party."

"Likewise. Join me when you can, Officer Grayson!"

Soon after, you part from your favourite cop and blend in with the wild college students. Dick never fully understood what caused your mind to choose to spend halloween night with a huge group of people your rarely associated yourself with, instead of being in the comfort of his warm muscular arms watching stop-motion halloween movies until the two of you passed out.

With the thought in mind, a frown made its way upon the policeman's face. Dick certainly did not enjoy the cold feeling of your absence against his sturdy chest; his upper limbs feeling empty.

His frown further deepened once he spotted you happily chatting away with a friend. A male friend, to be exact. Dick's teeth clenched, fists forming into balls as his knuckles turned white. If he was a cartoon character, the ink-haired boy's entire face would flush tomato red; steam coming out of his ears and all.

"Hey, Officer. Are you okay, man?"

Dick was pulled out of his thoughts once again, turning to face the host of the party.

"Yeah, I'm peachy." He muttered, coming out more as a growl.

The frat boy's eyes widened slightly in fear at the cop's tone. He payed attention to the young man's electric-blue eyes, which were directed towards yourself and the other guest.

"Oh, man. She's pretty hot." The boy commented. Although he spoke under his breath, it was audible enough for Dick to hear; causing the jealous officer to snap his head back at the innocent host. "I-I didn't mean I was going to make a m-move, dude! I'm just saying she's p-pretty, that's all. You're v-very lucky to have a girlfriend like her."

Letting out a deep sigh to release his tension, Dick lightened the grip in his fists; shoulders dropping in minor exhaustion.

"It's alright, bud. She ain't mine anyways." He lamented, redirecting his gaze to the ground.

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