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"Good evening sir and ma'am," The charismatic playboy greeted towards a sweet elderly couple. "How are you both doing this fine night?"

Yes, it was yet again one of those occasions. For extra precaution, Bruce Wayne is hosting another one of his well-known galas; extending invitations to his children, along with an optional plus-one of their choice. Dick was the only one that didn't hesitate to bring someone with him; although his girlfriend was the initial choice, Barbara claimed she was too busy to attend, further suggesting to lend her invite to you.

You were a very close friend of Dick and Babs'. You became friends with them around middle school, and the rest of your trio's moments became history. When Dick invited you in Barbara's place, you were instantly thrilled, especially since you had this new (F/C) dress that you've been dying to wear out.

Right now, you were simply hanging with Jason by the appetizers while Dick was making small talk with the guests.

"We're doing alright, son." The old gentleman replied with a friendly smile on his face. "How about yourself?"

"Not too bad, really." Dick answers. "Might I add, the two of you look lovely tonight."

"Thank you, dear." The woman spoke back. "In fact, our sixty-fifth wedding anniversary is coming up soon."

"Wow, that's amazing." Dick complimented. "Congratulations to the both of you."

Raising his champagne glass closer to the couple. The three of the well-dressed socialites clinked their glasses together in a subtle celebratory toast.

"Thanks, boy." The elderly man said in modesty. "You got a girl of your own?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." The younger man replied rather proudly; thinking of his girlfriend as he said so. "Unfortunately, she couldn't make it here tonight so I brought my best friend instead."

Though they initally smiled at Dick's response, they were taken aback after the mention of you.

"Are you saying that the lovely lady in the stunning (F/C) isn't your partner?" The old woman asked in disbelief. After having a conversation with you prior to this moment, the elderly couple were convinced that the both of you were in a strong relationship.

Dick, unfazed, answered nonetheless: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but (Y/N) is nothing more than one of my dearest friends. I love her, just not in the way I love my girlfriend."

"And how much do you love your girlfriend, exactly?"

"We have been together for almost a decade now." The raven-haired man spoke with confidence.

"So, is it safe to assume that you are currently engaged to this woman? Or at the very least, intend to propose?"

The playboy was now hesitant to answer. Picking his words carefully, Dick tried to persuade the sweet couple; let alone himself.

"Sadly, the topic was never really brought to the table." Dick confessed. "Even if the both of us wanted to get hitched, which I can assure that's what we want, our lifestyles aren't exactly cohesive together."

"Young man, may I tell you something?" Dick nodded, permitting the old gentleman to continue.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

"The very first time I met my wife, I had full confidence that she was going to be the person I marry. Although I had to wait a while to make my move, given the fact that she was already seeing another man, all I had to offer was my friendship and hope that it would be enough for her to see my love."

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