Man and Wife

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"You know, (Y/N), I'm going to marry you one day."

Accidentally pressing the tip of your pencil too hard onto your notebook, the lead of your pencil snaps off; flying off to an unknown location. You were casually doing homework at your best friend's place; your friend being Dick Grayson, and his place being the Wayne Manor. He just threw that curveball at you, completely out of the blue, which brought you to a state of confusion.

"Dick..." you say cautiously. "we're twelve years old. Don't you think this is kind of too early to consider who you wanna marry?"

"Nope," he answered confidently. "because I already know you'll say yes. Besides, I said I'll marry you one day, so it's certainly not going to be today. Maybe tomorrow if we're in the mood... or next month, if you prefer to have more time."

"Try ten years from now." you joke, snickering afterwards. "This better be some proposal, Grayson. Prepare to fight for my honour."

"Alright, future wifey." Dick replied without hesitation. The seriousness in his tone subconsciously scared you, absolutely blind to that the raven-haired boy had in store for you.

So, perhaps he didn't propose to you the next day, nor in the duration of the month that followed. However, it didn't stop the ocean-eyed young man from seizing every single opportunity to inform or remind the world that you were his wife.

Though it highly irritated you at first, scaring away some potential suitors in the process, hearing Dick's matrimonial teases was no longer as annoying as your initially perceived it to be. They gradually became part of your day-to-day, slowly becoming more humorous to you by the minute.

"Hey, Wall," In spite of all the crowded noise of Amusement Mile, Dick called out towards his best friend. "have you seen (Y/N)? I know you guys went on that rollercoaster."

"Oh, Mrs. G? Yeah, she just said she was gonna go to the washroom." Wally replied casually, motioning towards the washroom with his thumb as he answered.

"Cool, thanks!"

Though he was walking, the teenaged young man tried his best to compose himself and not run through the people roaming around the grounds of the amusement park; worry embedded in his azure blue eyes.

As if it were on cue, you just walked out of the restroom right as your self-proclaimed husband arrived.

"Dick?" you spoke, your best friend locked dead in your sight.


Without much time to process what was happening, you were scooped into Dick's arms; captured by his embrace. Soon enough you returned his hug, because you never really minded the close contact with your best friend before.

"You didn't have to walk all the way here, you goof." you say, smiling. "You could've just waited with Wally for me to come back."

"(N/N), come on, as if I could stay away from my wife for that long."

And as usual, you were met with sounds of coos and gasps; and the occasional 'awes'. A reaction that used to make you flustered and cause your mind to be flooded with various thoughts, no longer affected you as much now. Instead, you turned to the surrounding people and gave them a friendly grin.

"Most guys don't really do PDA, you know?" you remarked at Dick.

"Yeah..." he says in turn. "but then again, I'm not just any guy..."

"Don't say it, Grayson-"

"I'm your husband." he cuts you off, followed by a suggesting wink.

From the very first time your best friend announced his life-long mission to marry you, the idea of him fighting for you was nothing more than a joke filled with empty words.

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