Hole in My Heart

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"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I don't think this is working out for either of us anymore."

Lies. He knew it from the bottom of his heart, there was no other woman that Dick loved as deeply as you. If anything, he knew he had to say those words to protect you.

In light of recent events, the both of you confessed about your activities outside of your relationship. Specifically, the secret identities of superhero Nightwing and villainess (V/N). It was even more of an inconvenience taking into consideration that the two of you have been happily together for some years prior to your separation.

Although the both of you understood that you would do anything not to hurt each other, it was utter hell to you and Dick when you cut all ties from one another; it was as if neither of you existed in the other's eyes. All the excitement and joy that you've experienced in the past suddenly faded away into obscurity.

Without your onyx-haired lover by your side, life was far from normal for you.

Whenever you tossed and turned in the night, constantly feeling that the world was against you, the warm loving embrace of Dick as he wrapped his arms around you in his sleeping state was assuring enough to you that there was at least one person that would have your back. There was not a lot of people that you liked, and feelings were mutual from the latter's perspective, but one of the very few moments you always looked forward to was when your goofy boyfriend would walk into your shared condo with Chinese takeout with an equally dopey grin plastered across his face.

Nowadays, your nights consisted of torturous insomnia; staring up at the ceiling, reflecting on the loss on what you knew was the best thing to ever happen to your life. You completely fell out of touch on your endeavours of felony, so you spent more and more days self-isolated in your now half-empty home; sinking into your couch with the television on, hoping there would be something that would eventually come up to peak your interest.

One thought only remained in your mind: you needed Dick Grayson more than ever, because a life without him was certainly one not worth living.

Not much was different from Dick's point of view, either. There were not enough words to describe how truly he yearned to have you back in his arms once again.

Although he thoroughly understood the burden of having the entire weight of the world on his shoulders, every moment he shared with you felt as if he was finally being taken care of for a change. You always caught Dick off guard when you always asked him how he was feeling about every other hour of the day. Even if you felt that at times you would be a pest, the dual-jobbed hero would savour each of those related memories and answer with complete honesty. Contrary to popular belief, you were indeed Dick's hero, despite all those times you fought against one another out on the streets of Blüdhaven.

Without your presence around him, Dick was always in a state of ongoing drowsiness. Unlike yourself, the blue-eyed Romanian man threw himself onto his work to distract himself from your absence. However, it was evident to his superiors that the tired man's performance was gradually becoming sloppy. It only took a mere suspension from his duties to have Dick give up his uniform and suit, and lie low back at his childhood home in Gotham; the Wayne manor.

"Master Dick," Alfred spoke outside of the bedroom door, knocking softly on the wooden surface. "I have been instructed by Master Bruce to check up on you, he and your brothers are quite concerned for your well-being after your separation with Mistress (Y/N)."

"I'm fine, Alfred!" The wearied young man snapped back, resuming to hastily shift in his bed. He turned away from the direction of his door towards the window, only to be met with a familiar villainess perched onto the ledge of his open windowsill.

"(Y/N)?" Dick called out, sitting up on his bed. He rubbed his eyes to make sure his perception wasn't playing tricks on him, then he knew for certain it was you.

"Hey, handsome." You spoke softly, greeting your former lover with a warm smile.

"What are you doing here, beautiful?" He asked, approaching the window to help you inside. You took the vigilante's hand and swiftly entered the childhood bedroom.

"Heard from the news that Nightwing's been benched." You replied. "Same thing happened to Officer Grayson. With two of Blüdhaven's heroes on leave, someone had to take on the mantle."

"So you've had a change of heart and allied with the good guys?" Dick teased, knowing that it was unlike his ex-girlfriend to do such a thing.

"Of course not!" You exclaimed; bewildered. "Just covering for a friend. When he decides to get his crap together, I'll be ready to make a fool out of him again."

"(Y/N), I'm not going to do that." The strong-willed man spoke, melancholy strained through his voice. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Nor I with you." You returned, reaching for Dick's calloused hands. "We'll find a way to make this work, babe."

Bringing your intertwined hands up higher between yourselves, you stared longingly into Dick's sapphire-blue eyes with misery and desperation.

"I don't know how we're going to do this, but I'll be damned if I can't see your loving smile ever again. A life without you isn't even worth living, Dick. Having the intel on our secret identities is a game changer, but we're stronger than that. I love you, Richard Grayson. I don't care if you're some superhero, or a cop.

As long as I can call you mine at the end of the day, I'm happy."

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