More Than Just a Playboy to Me III

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It was yet another plain day in Gotham Academy and all you could think about was the incredibly handsome and charming young man across from you in the hallway. He was casually chatting to two female students which you couldn't really care about. All you could do was think of the popular male student right in front of you, and you needed to get his attention as soon as possible.

With all of your confidence, you strut your way down the hall to the said playboy and swiftly pushed the girls our of your way.

"Move over, girls." You say in the most sultry voice you could speak in. The attraction between the both of you clouded the entirety of your common sense and you could tell that he only had eyes for you as well.

You forcefully grabbed the raven-haired boy by his necktie and pulled him dangerously close to you.

"Listen Grayson," You spoke; using the same tone. "And listen good. There's only one dame in this world that's right for a guy like you and you're looking at her."

"What took you so long, baby?" Dick asked in return with an equally flirty voice.

"Traffic." You answered straightforwardly. "Now plant one on me and make me remember why I waste my time with you."

Just as you were about to press your lips against Dick's, you heard someone call your name to bring you back to reality.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

It was your dear redheaded best friend, Barbara Gordon. Apparently she has been waving her hands and snapping her fingers in front of your face for some time; trying to get you back to your senses

"Classes are about to start soon, so stop daydreaming about Dick before we're marked as tardy again." Barbara said. With time, she was able to overcome her fangirling phase for the playboy. Unfortunately for you, some feelings have risen up and now all you want to do is shove them back into the hell-hole where they came from.

"Fine," You retaliated. "But for the record, I was not fantazising over Dick Grayson. I'm so over him."

However, Lady Luck just happened to bring the man of your affections in your prescence. You inwardly cursed yourself about the fact that he looked really cute today.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Dick greeted, flashing you a toothy grin.

"I'm over you okay," You snapped back in slight frustration. "Move on with your life!"

As you stormed off into the opposite direction, you immediately tripped.

"I was just going to tell her that her shoes were untied." The playboy said to Barbara.

Sitting up to check if Dick's statement was true, you cursed yourself even harder knowing that Grayson was right.

When the final school bell rang, motioning for classes to end for the day, you were happy that your caretaker was waiting at the front gates for you and Barbara. Usually after school days, you would leave the school with Barbara only, but Selina insisted for today that she would chaperone the both of you back home.

"Hey Kitten." The jet-black haired woman called out to you. "Let's go!"

Once you caught up to Selina, the three of you started making your way out of the academy. Only Barbara and you talked while Selina was on her phone; she didn't cut herself in until the three of you were close to passing by Wayne Manor.

"So darlings," The older woman spoke. "How was your day?"

"(Y/N) was busy drooling over Dick." Barbara said in a teasing reply.

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