Mother Hen

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Good morning, (L/N). Happy mother's day.

Squinting to make out the text message from your fiancé's youngest brother, your heart instantly melts at the last three words of the said greeting; despite the text looking fuzzy to your half-awake eyes. Sitting up on your bed, you take your free hand to rub one of your eyes.

It only took you a few more minutes of re-reading the words of sincerity before you forced yourself out of bed, tapping into your phone for a reply.

thanks a lot, my baby bat! love u lots <3

You will be coming to the manor later in the evening for dinner, right?

of course, dami :) see u then!

Likewise, mother.

In the past half-decade since you begun your relationship with Dick, it was barely a whole year until you had the so-called pleasure of meeting the blood son of Bruce Wayne, and the introductions were nothing short of rough. After all, despite the non-biological relation, Damian Wayne loved and looked up to the eldest brother; not only as his adoptive sibling, but also as a compassionate father figure and strong role model.

Yet, only hours within that same day of meeting Damian, you were quick to gain his favour; earning such respect that it would edge on challenging the aggressive boy's admiration for your partner. To this day, your other future brothers-in-law still ponder the capability you held in developing a bond with the youngest Wayne, that extended beyond civil tolerance.

And once the Waynes were comfortable enough to confide in you, access to the Batcave was granted to you, along with the knowledge of their nightly extracurriculars. It didn't seem that your trust was a liability to begin with; given that you were the one to not only discover the man behind Nightwing's domino mask, but performed well with acting oblivious until Dick was ready to confirm what you have already known. The acrobat always did admire your intellect.

In time, you have made a career for yourself as one of the most successful businesswomen in Gotham City. You may be a civilian without a vigilante identity, but it didn't make you any less powerful; growing steadily from your initial position as an intern for Wayne Enterprises, promoting yourself to the higher-ups of the corporation and working not too far beneath Tim Drake and Lucius Fox.

It still bewilders you how from a single, casual relationship with Dick Grayson, could gradually lead you to a very fortunate career, paired with the often-occurring instances of aiding various groups of heroes.

teamies :)
Today 9:16 AM

happy mother's day, y/n!

Even if your affiliation with the team doesn't permit for a full commitment, you will always be considered as family to the Team.

Thanks for having our backs... mom?
This is still awkward to process, you looked more young than me when we first met haha

well, she's not going to be your legal sister-in-law a few months from now
I refuse to call her as anything other than my sister, but I do hope you have a good day, n/n :)

Agreed. We love you, y/n!!!

enjoy your day, mama ;)

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